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4d ago

A thermometer measures sensible heat transfer, which is the heat transferred that causes a change in temperature. Latent heat transfer, on the other hand, involves the heat absorbed or released during a phase change (such as melting or boiling) and cannot be directly measured by a thermometer.

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Q: Can sensible heat and latent heat transfers be read with a thermometer?
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Can a sensible heat and latent heat transfers be read with a thermometer?


What is the opposite of latent heat?

The opposite of latent heat is sensible heat. Sensible heat is the heat that causes a change in temperature of a substance without a change in phase.

Difference between sensible heat and latent heat?

Sensible heat is heat supplied or taken away and causes an immediate change in temperature without changing the state. While latent heat is heat supplied or taken away and causes a change in state without change in temperature. This difference can be applied to the certain properties of water/steam. This is called the thermodynamics properties of steam.

What is released as sensible heat during the formation of clouds?

Latent heat.

What do you call heat that is added or removed from a substance but does not change the state of the substance sensible heat latent heat super heat or radiation heat?

Latent Heat.

Difference between latent heat from sensible heat?

Latent heat is the heat absorbed or released when a substance changes phase without a change in temperature, such as during evaporation or condensation. Sensible heat is the heat energy transferred between substances that causes a change in temperature without a change in phase.

How much heat can a central air conditioner remove?

It`s rated capacity in sensible and latent heat.

What does alcohol in a thermometer rise in a result of?

The heat on the outside of the thermometer transfers to the glass which transfers to the alcohol making the alcohol expand making it rise

What is the difference between sensible heat gain and latent heat gain?

Sensible heat gain is the heat absorbed or released by air without a change in moisture content, affecting temperature. Latent heat gain is heat absorbed or released when moisture changes state, like during evaporation or condensation, affecting humidity levels.

What mode of heat transfer is involved in the use of a thermometer?

Conduction is the main mode of heat transfer involved in using a thermometer. When the thermometer is placed in contact with a substance, heat transfers from the substance to the thermometer by conduction, causing the temperature to be measured.

What does temperature indicate?

The hotness or coolness of a body in regards to its sensible heat and is measured by a thermometer.

What is sensible and latent heat?

Sensible heat is heat that can be felt or measured by a change in temperature, while latent heat is the heat absorbed or released during a phase change without a change in temperature. Sensible heat affects the temperature of a substance, while latent heat affects the state of the substance.