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Weed, unlike LSD, is not known to cause flashbacks. You are only high while smoking it, not 3 days later.

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Q: Can someone get high 3 days after smoking weed once?
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I once ate marijuana brownies . And yes i got high ..... As for a pet ..? Well if they are in the room while someone is smoking marijuama they get contact ... So eating it would probley , get them pretty stoned

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It does for some people but me personally can go days without smoking. I figure it makes it hard for them because they are addicted. Tobacco is addicting.

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Only about three days. However, the psychological effects of withdrawal will last a lot longer. Probably forever.

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smoking it only once, it will completely leave your system within a week of smoking

Does lack of oxygen help you get high when smoking marijuana?

Never deprive yourself of oxygen. Oxygen deprivation makes you high by damaging your brain. It's unpredictable and it can kill unexpectedly or leave you temporarily or permanently impaired. The impairment can be gradual and imperceptible or it can happen all at once. You'd be safer smoking crack.

Why is smoking pot called getting stoned?

because i was smoking pot once and got hit with a stone.

Why is it difficult for smokers to quit smoking?

It is difficult to quit smoking once one becomes addicted to nicotine.

What are the potential side effects of smoking once?

That you will do it again.