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Yes, the buyer can get the property for an extremely lower price than what its probably worth.

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Q: Can someone really benefit from buying a foreclosure home?
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Can I qualify for a loan after a foreclosure?

Doubtful ... at best, you would have to accept a really absurdly high interest rate, which would mean more financial doom in the long run. A foreclosure remains on your credit report for up to 15 years.

How does a foreclosure work if you have negative equity?

A foreclosure really has nothing to do with the amount of equity in a property. Banks foreclose on properties because the borrower has failed to pay on the mortgage note for 90 days or more. Most properties that are foreclosed on today usually have negative equity in them due to decreased property values.

Can a foreclosure cause lenders to take money from savings account Ira's and checking accounts?

The rules that apply in a foreclosure are based on the state and the actually agreements signed by the borrower. A borrower can have still owe money to the lender after the foreclosure has completed if the process allows for a deficiency judgment. Pension accounts and other similar things are normally protected from claims. To really understand the fine details you would need to seek an opinion from a lawyer who is licensed to practice in the state where the property is located.

Can foreclosure be stop if refinance with a cosigner?

Yes you can get refinanced up the day they forclose If you are the owner of this property, and you are the one responsible for making payments, and you are the one who is on title, and you are really the one that is the real owner of the property, do not try to bring in a straw buyer - it is a federal offense and you will go to jail. If anyone tells you to stop making payments on your home to qualify for a loan modification, or to stop foreclosure, they are wrong. Honesty must be your number one priority. If someone tells you not to send your mortgage payment to qualify for a loan modification, don't do it. Lenders will work with you, they are stakeholders in your investment, they are investors in your property, just like you.

Is a modification the best way to go to stop foreclosure?

The best way to stop a foreclosure is to honor the terms of the loan agreement. How you get to that point depends on many factors. A modification is a new loan agreement that superceeds and changes the original agreement and is designed for individuals with a long term material change in their financial situation that prohibits them from making scheduled loan payments. If an adjustable-rate mortgage adjusts to a point where the payments are not affordable, or a borrower suffers long term income reduction or loss, a modification of the interest rate or repayment term of the loan may save the home from foreclosure. It is an important tool and is one of the best ways to stop foreclosure. The key is that the modification must be beneficial to both the lender and the borrower. However, when some people use the term "stop foreclosure" they really mean "stall foreclosure". If a person finances a home that is beyond their reasonable means and they find themselves unable to make payment without unreasonable changes to the loan terms (such as principle balance reductions or 60 year repayment terms) then a foreclosure is often ultimately unavoidable. An unaffordable home is still an unaffordable home even if an interest rate is lowered or borrowers are given a chance to catch up on payments. While it is possible to get a balance reduction, it is very rare, and very long loan repayment terms are usually not allowed by law or regulation. In these cases, a modification request may extend the time it takes to foreclose (even lasting years), but the end result is still foreclosure. Bankruptcy filings also halt foreclosure proceedings and are used by many borrowers as a last resort to foreclosure.

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Where can you find help with our home foreclosure?

There's plenty of ways to help with your home foreclosure. If you really would need to stick to it, you should apply for loans everywhere or just temporary have someone rent the house.

Can your landlord evict you if his house is under foreclosure?

Yes. Until the actual foreclosure sale happens, he owns it. I'm not sure what you really mean by 'under foreclosure', anyway. That could be any stage of the process, and you can't be sure that the sale will really happen.

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You need to find a free debt mediation service. If you have some way of repaying the lienholder they may accept mediation. They really don't benefit from foreclosing if there's a better option.

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If by "foreclosure" you mean that the mortgage lender is taking your home back, yes they are prtected. However, if you really mean BANKRUPTCY, no, they are NOT protected, since they are assets you can use to reimburse your creditors.

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