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No. Sound has to travel through moving atoms and absolute zero (-273.15 Celsius) has no moving atoms.

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Q: Can sound travel through absolute zero temperature?
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Why does speed of sound depend on the temperature of a medium through which sound waves travel?

Speed of sound increases with the increase in temperature of the medium .In fact the speed of sound is directly proportional to the square root of absolute temp. of the medium.

Does sound travel faster in air in winter or summer?

Speed of sound is proportional to absolute temperature. It should therefore travel faster in warmer weather.

Does sound travel faster in air in summer or in winter?

Speed of sound is proportional to absolute temperature. It should therefore travel faster in warmer weather.

Does sound travel faster through space or room temperature?

Nope, sounds doesn't travel faster on space because a medium is needed a region to another

How does air tempurature affect the speed of sound?

Sound waves travel through particle vibration, and when the temperature is high, the particles vibrate faster, thus the sound must travel faster with particles.

Why does the sound not travel through vacuum?

The sound not travel through vacuum because sound need a medium to travel.

Why can't sound travel through metal?

sound can travel through metal.

At what speed does sound travel through water?

Depending on the temperature and the salt content of the water the speed of sound through water is approximately 5,300 kph (3,300 mph)

What can light travel through that sound cant travel through?

light can travel through a vacuum whereas sound cant

The speed of sound depens on what?

The speed of sound depends on the density of the medium through which it must travel. Temperature is also significant to a lesser extent.

Sound waves do not travel through what?

Sound wave do not travel through vaccum as it need medium to travel.

Can sound travel through different materials?

Sound can travel through a variety of materiels.