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If you mean a chain link fence or picket fence, sound will go right through it. If you mean a fence you can't see through, one standing 6 or so feet high with no gaps, it can reduce the sound, but not prevent it from escaping entirely.

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3d ago

Yes, sound can travel up and over a fence. While the fence may partially block the direct path of the sound waves, they can still diffract over the top of the fence or reflect off nearby surfaces to continue propagating. The height and material of the fence can affect how much sound is transmitted over it.

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How high does sound travel?

Sound can travel effectively through air for several miles, depending on factors like temperature and humidity. In water, sound can travel much farther, up to hundreds of miles. In space, where there is no medium to carry sound waves, sound cannot travel at all.

How many meters can an echo travel?

The limitation is the absorption of the energy over distance. This depends on the frequency of the sound and the medium through which it travels.The sound of a door slammed in the Hamilton Mausoleum in Hamilton, Scotland, travels over 5000 metres before fading away.

How far can sound travel in 2 seconds?

Sound travels at a speed of approximately 343 meters per second in air at room temperature. Therefore, in 2 seconds, sound can travel up to 686 meters.

In what ways are sound waves and electromagnetic waves different?

Sound waves require a medium to travel through, while electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum. Sound waves are mechanical waves that require particles to propagate, while electromagnetic waves are made up of oscillating electric and magnetic fields. Sound waves are slower than electromagnetic waves and are typically used for communication over short distances, while electromagnetic waves can travel long distances at the speed of light.

Can sound created in air travel through water?

Yes, sound can travel through water, but it travels at a different speed and characteristics compared to through air. In water, sound can travel much faster and over longer distances due to its higher density and better transmission properties.

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What to do if a guinea pig is behind a fence?

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Does sound travel everywhere?

Yes sound do travel anywhere so if you have projects, essays, homework assignment, write it up: Yes, sound do travel anywhere :)

How is sound cannot travel in a wavy way?

Sound can't travel in wavy waves because if it did, the sound would be messed up and dodgy.

What is the word for stairs that go up and over a fence?

stile or turnstile

What is the bi-law for putting up a fence on a residential property in Chatham Kent Ontario Canada?

you can have a fence up to 6 feet in height with up to one foot of lattice over that.

Do sound sound waves travel up or down and back or forth?

Sound waves travel in all directions as they propagate through a medium. They produce compressions and rarefactions, moving back and forth parallel to the direction of wave propagation.

How many meters can an echo travel?

The limitation is the absorption of the energy over distance. This depends on the frequency of the sound and the medium through which it travels.The sound of a door slammed in the Hamilton Mausoleum in Hamilton, Scotland, travels over 5000 metres before fading away.

What is it that sound cannot travel through?

Sound can travel through any medium. If you remove the medium you would end up with a vacuum. It is in vacuums that sound cannot travel as it needs a medium to travel (it travels as a compression wave or shear wave). Space is almost a perfect vacuum so sound is unable to travel through space.

If a cymbal were struck in space, how do you predict the waves of sound would travel?

Since space is a vacuum, sound waves do not travel through space. Sound waves need a substance to travel through, since there is nothing in a vacuum, sound waves have nothing to travel through. Thus, a cymbal struck in space would not make an audible sound.

Why does sound have to have medium to travel?

Look up "How dose sound travel?" and you get part of the answer. The medium (thing) has moleclus and pitacles. If there were no medeum there's moleclus and pitacles and if there's no moleclus and pitacles there's, well, no sound.

How Sounds travel through solids liquids and gas?

sound is made up of vibrations, and so you hear sound as the vibrations travel through the particles of solids liquids and gases.