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Like most old wives tale there is an element of truth in that strawberries can whiten teeth. The reason is that the acid inside the strwberry cleans your teeth from dark stains and gives the appearance of white teeth. But the problem of using strawberries to whiten your teeth is the acid may damage the enamel. This can reveal the dentin in your teeth which is made from a yellow substance. The seed in the straeberry can also scratch your teeth and causes further damage.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Yes? Apparently the malic acid in strawberries can remove stains, but must be mixed with baking soda (obviously) and PROMPTLY REMOVED by brushing, to avoid damage to the enamel. (This is also not recommended for frequent use.)

In fact strawberries can whiten teeth. What you have to do is cut off the top part of the strawberry, and rub the pink and white on your teeth for about a minute. After you have done that, you brush your teeth with your regular toothpaste. It would whiten a little bit faster if you have baking soda in your toothpaste.

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βˆ™ 1y ago

The idea that strawberries can be used to whiten teeth has been around for a while, but does it really work? No β€” and it might actually do more harm than good. Find out why:

There’s a popular teeth whitening β€œway” that’s been floating around for some time, and it involves using a paste made from strawberries to whiten your teeth naturally. So, should you give it a try?

The popular process involves crushing strawberries to make a paste that you put on your teeth. Some people add baking soda to the mixture, whereas others don’t. Either way, the main ingredient is strawberry. That paste is then rubbed onto the teeth in the hopes that, when it’s removed, the teeth will appear whiter than before.

This idea doesn’t come out of nowhere. Strawberries do have some properties that could make them seem like an effective teeth-whitening agent. Unfortunately, those same properties are the ones that can cause serious long-term damage to your teeth. Specifically, we’re talking about citric acid. The citric acid can give an illusion of whiter teeth for around an hour after you put on the strawberry paste as the paste does indeed remove some plaque from your teeth. However, that whiteness will soon disappear since the change is simply superficial and your teeth will be left looking just like they did before.

The good news is that there are plenty of well-established, low-risk alternatives for whitening your teeth that work much better than strawberries β€” without the risk.

So if you are looking for a way to whiten your teeth at home, go to my bio and click the link to access my top way to whiten teeth very easily.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

According to Adina Carrel, DMD, a dentist in private practice at Manhattan Dental Arts in New York. Once a week is fine.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

no i don't think so but are a very good fruit to eat for your body

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βˆ™ 12y ago


And the seeds need to be flossed.

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Q: Do strawberries make your teeth whiter?
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