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"Well is he a fish?Then yea he can live in still water.You should try shaking his bowl so it will become un-still okay?"

Well instead of being an idiot like the last guy, I'm going to actually answer the question. It depends on the breed some can live in "still water" fish bowls like betta fish, and others need at least some aeration via a filter or bubbler. Mine seem more relaxed, resting at the bottom, when the bubbler's on.

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Q: Can the Cory catfish live in still water?
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How long does a Cory catfish live for?

A catfish can live up to 11-12. vist my website

Where Catfish live?

Fresh water!!!

Where do catfish live and what do they eat?

They eat food and they live in the water

What do catfish eat and where do they live?

They eat food and they live in the water

Can catfish live in cold water tank?

some can.

Why do catfish live near water?

Um...because they're FISH! Must live in water to breathe.

How long can Cory catfish live?

5+ years is the average for just about all types of Corys. Also keep in mind that they are happiest when in groups of at least 3.

How long do catfish live in saltwater?

There are some species of catfish that have a rudimentary lung, so those species can live out of the water for some time to find a better pond or even a mud hole. Most catfish should not be kept out of the water for any length of time unless it is unavoidable.

What kinds of fish live in warm water?

some types of fish that live in water is for example tuna and catfish

Where do catfish live in the world?

catfish live in the sky and stuffz catfish live in the sky and stuffz

The clarias catfish has two unusual abilities what are they?

the two unusual abilities that a clarias catfish has is: it can live out of water for a long time it lacks pigment (weird, but that's all i can find)

Can catfish live outside?

If you mean outside of water it can for a while is kept wet catfish can live outside of water longer than any fish that is required to breath oxygen in water if you mean outside a house than of course