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The chemicals wouldn't get past the thick layer of skin covering your skull. The only way chemicals would affect normal brain function is if it enters one of your orifices (eyes, nose, mouth etc..).

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It is unlikely that the chemicals used to straighten or curl hair would directly cause problems in the brain. However, inhaling fumes from these chemicals in poorly ventilated areas can potentially lead to respiratory issues or other health problems. It is important to follow safety precautions and recommendations provided by the product manufacturers.

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Q: Can the chemicals used to straighten or curl hair cause problems in the brain?
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What chemicals cause behavior disorders?

Chemicals such as lead, mercury, pesticides, and certain drugs can all potentially cause behavior disorders. These chemicals can disrupt the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, leading to issues with behavior, emotions, and cognitive functions. It is important to limit exposure to these chemicals to reduce the risk of developing behavior disorders.

What is the effect of glue when sniffed?

Sniffing glue can cause dizziness, euphoria, hallucinations, and brain damage due to the toxic chemicals in the glue. It can also lead to respiratory issues, loss of coordination, and addiction with repeated use. It is extremely dangerous and can result in long-term health problems or even death.

How many braincells die when you sniff a sharpie?

Inhaling the fumes of a Sharpie can cause damage to brain cells due to the chemicals present in the marker, such as xylene and toluene. However, the exact number of brain cells that die from sniffing a Sharpie can vary depending on the individual and the amount of exposure. It's important to avoid inhaling any kind of fumes or chemicals to protect brain health.

How does sniffing markers make you high?

Sniffing markers can make you feel high because of the chemicals in the ink, like solvents and alcohol, that can affect your brain when inhaled. These chemicals can cause feelings of euphoria, dizziness, and disorientation, but they can also be harmful and lead to serious health risks.

What chemicals cause sleep?

Some chemicals that can induce sleep include melatonin, a hormone produced by the pineal gland; gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), an inhibitory neurotransmitter; and adenosine, a byproduct of energy consumption in the brain. These chemicals help promote relaxation and regulate the sleep-wake cycle.

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What is brain tissue damage?

These are called lesions. Brain lesions can be caused by injury, infection, exposure to certain chemicals, problems with the immune system, and more. Typically, their cause is unknown.These are called lesions. Brain lesions can be caused by injury, infection, exposure to certain chemicals, problems with the immune system, and more. Typically, their cause is unknown.

How does drugs or chemicals affect a person?

Inhaling drugs or chemicals can be very harmful to the brain and body it can lead to death. The chemical found in these products can chang e the way the brain works. And cause other problems. In the body

How do strong chemicals from cleaning products cause harm?

When huffing volatile chemicals, the gases quickly get absorbed in the blood stream through the nasal cavity to are taken directly to the brain. The brain is then deprived of oxygen, which causes dizziness. The chemicals then can cause permanent damage to the brain cells. Huffing chemicals kills more brain damage than any illegal drug out there.

Is sniffing sharpies bad for you?

Yes, they have chemicals and can cause brain damage.

Can Benign brain tumors cause problems?

Benign brain tumors do not infiltrate nearby tissues but can cause severe pain, permanent brain damage, and death

Does Pepsi cause ADHD?

ADHD is how your brain works, the chemicals in your brain cannot be altered by Pepsi, and I think that ADHD can only be caused by the way your brain works from the start of your life, and nothing else can cause it.

What is a brain condition that causes problems in thinking and memory?

There are several brain conditions that cause problems in thinking and memory. One is Alzheimer's disease.

How does your brain send messages to move?

Your brain sends electrical impulses to your muscles that cause them to contract and relax causing your limbs to bend and straighten. And it does it 10 times faster than you can blink.

What happens if you have exrta electricity in your brain?

Extra electricity in the brain can cause abnormal electrical activity, leading to conditions like seizures or epilepsy. If left untreated, it can disrupt brain function and affect cognitive and motor skills. It is important to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

What are the problems when there is brain tumor?

A brain tumor is when cell are multiplying really fast in the brain. they can cause you to lose your skill and abilities to do something.

Which are the two most toxic chemicals used in petrol that cause brain damage and leukemia?

Gasoline and Lead

What causes language use problems in the brain?

There are many things which could cause problems with language use. Damage to the speech centers of the brain is one example. If the brain is injured, you could become unable to speak, or could be unable to match names to common objects. Drug abuse can also cause both brain damage and problems speaking.