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No, a wasp cannot lose its stinger.

However, honeybees do lose their stinger (and life) when they sting a person. And their stinger continues to pump venom into the victim after it has become detached from the bee. The stinger of the wasp is not barbed and can be used again and again, while the honeybee stinger is barbed and remains in victim's skin.

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Wasps can sting through clothing that is thin. It is recommended that workers who are going to be near wasp nests wear double layered clothing.

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Q: Can wasp lose stingers in clothing and can stinger continue to sting?
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Do wasps lose their stinger when they sting?

No. This is only true of honeybees. Wasps do not lose their stingers and can sting multiple times.

Do yellow jacket's stingers fall off when they sting?

no, so they can sting multiple times, bees die after stinging but the stinger left behind continues to pup in venom, you need to remove the stinger.

What is a fact about stingers?

A stinger is a modified ovipositor (egg laying tube) so only female insects can sting.

Do wasps leave their stinger in you?

No. Bees have barbed stingers so when you get stung, it sticks in your skin. But wasps do not have barbed stingers, that is why they can sting repeatedly. When the wasps leaves your body, it takes its stinger with.

Why Honeybee cannot sting you a second time?

beacaus it only has one stinger attached to its guts n wen it stings u it pulls it out with it

Does the queen bees sting hurt more than other bees?

This is hard to answer. First queen bees do not normally leave the hive and thus rarely have the opportunity to sting humans. Normally a queen only users her stinger to kill other queens to eleminate competition. A queens stinger has no barb. Female worker bees that defend the hive have barbed stingers. Their stingers pull free from the bee, remain in the skin and even work further in. And, their stinger continues to release venom after it is detached from the bee. Since a queen's stinger is smooth (no barb) this allows it to be kept after a sting and thus she can sting multiple times.

What does jellyfish use its sting for?

Jellyfish uses it's stinger to stun or kill fish. After it stuns them it eats them. Some Stingers can be over 50ft long!

What are the advantages and disadvantages of bees?

Advantages: can fly, have stingers for predators. Disadvantages: they die when they sting (stinger falls off), live very short lives.

Do sweat bees have stingers?

That is a good question. Sweat bees or as I called them when I was small "Jacks" do infact sting! Their stingers are small and sharp!The poison in the bee is strong(not enough to kill or sicken the preditor.)and best treated under the trement written in "do bumbe bees sting?".The stinger is a slight presure and a bad sting!

Where is a scorpion's stinger?

A scorpion's stinger is on the very end of its tail, so when it wants to sting something the front two pincers will grab it to hold it in place then the tail will come down and strike they prey/victim.

Do butterflies sting?

The queens and workers can but their sting does not have barbs like a the honeybee, so they can sting more than once. Male's cant sting because they don't have a stinger. Males have a genital capsule for mating.

What is the difference form a sting bee and a non sting bee?

A bee's stinger is modified ovipositor, the organ that a female bee uses to lay eggs. For worker bees, which are sterile, their ovipositor has evolved into a stinger only. For queen bees, the stinger does double duty as a stinger and an egg layer. Bees without stingers are most likely male. If there exists species of stingless bees, then the ovipositor did not evolve into a stinger organ for those species.