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If the jar is not completely full of water, and the air inside is not completely saturated, then yes, a little bit can.

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Q: Can water evaporate in a sealed jar?
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Why does a liquid not evaporate if you store it in a sealed jar?

It has nowhere to evaporate to. Evaporation is dispersion of molecules.

Will water evaporate from a container?

Yes, water can evaporate from a container if the temperature is high enough for the liquid to reach its boiling point. Evaporation is the process in which water molecules escape from the surface of the liquid and enter the air as vapor.

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let the water evaporate and measure the salt that is left in the jar

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From a sealed container or pipe water cannot be evaporated.

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boil it, freeze it or leave it in a jar to evaporate

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Heating favors evaporation.

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Is it a mixture

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The jar can not handle the temperature and compression so it cracks.

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Water can be evaporated from a sealed container.

1 If you have a balloon with a fixed amount of air in a sealed jar at room temperature balloon does not fill the entire jar You place the jar in a pan of boiling The water?

As the water boils, it creates steam which increases the pressure inside the sealed jar. This increased pressure causes the air inside the balloon to expand, filling more of the jar.

How long does it take for bottled water to evaporate?

In a very sealed non -porous container water is not evaporated.