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Q: Can we use calculus to solve polynomial equations?
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Derivative calculators are commonly used to help solve simple differential calculus equations. Generally, they are not able to solve complex calculus equations.

How can you use a graph to solve systems of equations?

You can use a graph to solve systems of equations by plotting the two equations to see where they intersect

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There are people who use this web site that can and will solve equations.

How do you find solutions to quadratic eqations?

There are several ways to solve such equations: (1) Write the equation in the form polynomial = 0, and solve the left part (where I wrote "polynomial"). (2) Completing the square. (3) Use the quadratic formula. Method (3) is by far the most flexible, but in special cases methods (1) and (2) are faster to solve.

When do weather men use algebra 2?

We don't. We then learn trig, calculus, and then differential equations, and we use that.

How can you use math to solve complex problems?

IF they are math related, write appropriate equations and then apply math rules to solve the equations.

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To solve linear equations, you always use the inverse operations

What math courses does a restaurant owner need?

A restaurant owner would most likely find a use for algebra and should be able to solve systems of linear equations (which should be taught in either Algebra or early Algebra II). Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Geometry, and beyond will probably be useless.

What is mathematics's?

Mathematics is the use of Equations and Sequences to solve a Problem.

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To solve a three variable system of equations you can use a combination of the elimination and substitution methods?

True. To solve a three variable system of equations you can use a combination of the elimination and substitution methods.

What is the definition of multi-step equations?

They are equations in which you have to use more than more function to solve the problem.