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If you are bleeding heavily at any stage during your pregnancy, you need to get to hospital ASAP

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Q: Can you be pregnant and bleed heavily in second trimester?
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Can you bleed heavy while being pregnant?

if you are bleeding heavily than you probably aren't pregnant, but if you have had a positive pregnancy test and are bleeding heavily you need to see a doctor

You are 3-4 weeks pregnant an have just started to bleed heavily?

4 weeks pregnant is when your period is due, this may be a period or if it is really heavy and you have had a positive test I am afraid you are probably having a miscarriage.

Can you bleed heavy and be pregnant?

Look people if you get pregnant you hardly don't bleed

Can you get pregnant if you haven't got your period?

You can get pregnant before the first time you bleed because you ovulate before you bleed and that is when you can get pregnant.

After tubal ligation is it normal to bleed heavily after 4 days?

Women bleed for different amounts of time after a tubal ligation. if you are heavily bleeding after 4 days, you should see a physician as soon as possible.

Can you get pregnant if you are 12 years old and you have never have a period?

Before you start to bleed you ovulate so yes, you can get pregnant before you start to bleed. You will not know if you are in your period before you bleed.

During what time do you know you are prgnant?

From the time of your first missed menstrual cycle a pregnancy test should be able to accurately show whether you're pregnant or not. However, even pregnant women can still bleed for a time during their first trimester so if you think you might be pregnant take a test even if you have bleeding at the time your period is due just to be certain.

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Could you be pregnant if you haven't had withdrawal bleed?


Do girls bleed a lot when they are pregnant?

if there at risct of abortion

You are bleeding and have cramps and 5 weeks pregnant?

You need to get this checked out immediately, sometimes woman can bleed during pregnancy, and all cases need to be checked out by your midwife/GP. Especially with it being in the early stages of your first trimester. This needs to be looked at by a health care professional.

Would a woman be pregnant if she had her period for a day?

if you bleed when you are pregnant it doesn't necessarily mean its your period or you have had a miss carriage. a lot of women bleed during pregnancy so you will still be pregnant if it doesn't hurt x