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It depends on if you are sensitive to them or not. Being lactose intolerant, I have learned what my "dairy limit" is. If I drink a glass of milk, have a bowl of ice cream, or eat something covered in cheese, there will be some painful, embarrassing problems in about four hours. However, I am able to tolerate low amounts of lactose, such as small amounts of chocolate or a cookie. The amounts of lactose that each LI person can tolerate, however, will vary with the severity of their intolerance. People allergic to dairy products will experience symptoms similar to an allergic reaction to a bee sting or dog hair- their throat will close up, or grow hives. However, if you are perfectly fine digesting dairy products, then drink/eat away! Too much dairy never hurt anyone (at least anyone with tolerance).

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11y ago

No, eating too much cheese can cause discomfort and weight changes to the human body. You might need to take medications to alleviate the gastrointestinal discomfort after eating too much cheese. You also could find that the weight you easily gained while indulging in cheese is difficult to lose.

Read more in the related link.

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Do dairy products cause drowsiness? Do dairy products cause drowsiness?

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50% increase for bladder cancer.

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Q: Can you become allergic from eating too much cheese?
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stop eating cheese right away

Is eating melted cheese healthy?

Cheese is a good source of Protein and Calcium and so eating cheese is good but at the same time, it is high in calories and fat. So, eating too much cheese is bad for health

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How does junkmail hurt the environment?

By eating too much cheese!!!

Why don't I feel good after eating cheese?

You might be lactose intolerant and should therefore avoid too much cheese.

What can cheese do to you?

it can make you dairy intolerant if u hav too much. i speak from experience, i once entered a cheese eating competition..

Do people like eating cheese?

yes very much even my bff Ashley

How can leukemia be minimized?

by eating blue cheese with every meal, but not too much though!

Can mice die from cheese?

Of course they can, if they eat to much or it is poisoned, anybody can die from eating too much of anything.

how much cheese do i have to feed myself per day until i fully become cheese?

i think 100 pieces :/

How much salt is in cheese?

it depended to your cream cheese size but it should be max. 1.4 percent