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No. Protected sex means using a condom. If you use a condom you can't get the HIV virus. HIV is passed on through sharing drug needles or by having unprotected sex. The only danger is if the condom breaks. If the condom is put on carefully without any tearing, and there is plenty of lubrication used (either natural or from a tube) then there should be no problem.

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14y ago

No, if a condom is being worn then the person cannot get HIV because condoms are made of special material that stops the spread of any disease, virus's or infections. Unfortunately if the condom breaks then the person will get the virus.

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No, because condoms are made of latex and AIDS and any other STD and STI can't get through it.

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Yes you can.

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Q: Can you get HIV when having safe sex and using protection?
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What is the solution of AIDS?

There is no cure for AIDS or HIV. You get HIV then develop AIDS. It's kind of like getting a cold then sneezing as a symptom where the cold is HIV and the sneezing is AIDS. You can not have AIDS but not having HIV. Using protection during sex, not sharing needles, and staying away from blood can lower your chance of getting HIV.

How do you prevent HIV infections?

1 By having safe sex limiting to married partner only 2 gaining knowledge about HIV 3never use the syringe second time throw it away by using once.

How do you prevent getting HIV positive?

by having safe sex and universal precautions.

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You need to talk to a qualified medical practitioner (a Doctor) about this.

Do people who use protection still get HIV infection?

There are no exact figures, but the chances of HIV infection using a condom is minimal (2% condom failure rate).

Is it safe to let an HIV Positive boy blow you?

If you are having sex with a person who is HIV positive, you should ALWAYS use a condom and there is still a chance you may be infected.

What antibodies does the HIV test for and why?

The HIV test tests for Human Immunodeficiency virus by using two different kinds of test; the ELISA and the Wester Blot tests. If there are HIV antibodies present, the a person would be diagnosed as having HIV.

Can someone become an actor having HIV?

You can become an actor having HIV.

Can someone be infected by cancer when using condoms and having multiple partners?

No, u can get aids or hiv but no cancer.

What are some ways you can do so you cant have HIV?

There's no way to be 100% safe from HIV using a condom. The only way to be 100% sure is abstinence, or complete honesty with a monogamous partner!

Which are the three most effective ways in preventing hiv?

If you have HIV is it important to inform a partner. Having protected oral, anal and vaginal sex is important. Natural and lambskin condoms don't protect a person against HIV. It is important to know how HIV is spread. Ask questions about how HIV is spread and have to help keep a partner safe. Avoid using alcohol and drug during sexual intercourse. Don't show razor, toothbrush and other products that may contain blood with someone who is HIV negative.

How does a HIV carrier obtain the virus?

They contain it by not using protection in a untested people sex. If your all tested and both not with the virus then you do not have to use a condom.