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Q: Can you determine how fast you were going at the midpoint of a trip by calculating average speed for the entire trip?
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How is the midpoint of a segment different from the length of a segment?

Mostly because, assuming it just one segment, a midpoint by definition (mid- means middle) is the point at the exact middle of a line segment; whereas the length of the segment is the entire length of the segment. Pretty much, a midpoint is a point in the middle of the line, the length is the measurement of the same line.

Is speed that does not vary is called average speed?

No, speed can vary and one can still calculate the average speed of an entire trip. Average speed is equal to the change in distance divided by the change in time.

How do you calculate an overall average from a set of component averages?

I recommend you do not try to average a set of components, because your result may be not be accurate. The best way to find an overall average is to average the entire data set.EXAMPLE: You have three columns of ten numbers each with an average listed at the bottom of each, say A11, B11, and C11. There are two ways you can solve this:Combine all the averages and divide by 3. [=SUM(A11:C11)/3] - But, the result may not reflect the average of the entire data set.Calbulate the average for all 30 numbers in the data set. [=SUM(A1:C10)/30] - This would give a much more accurate representation of the entire data set.

How do you determine the measurement of a missing angle in a angle?

To find the measure of an angle, you need to know the size of the entire angle and the other angles within the angle. Then, you subtract the smaller, known angles from the entire, large angle and you should get the measure of the missing angle.

How do you determine the area and perimeter of geometric figures?

Area is length x width. Meanwhile Perimeter is the addition of all the lengths and widths of the entire geometric polygon.

Related questions

Can you determine how fast you are going at the midpoint of a trip by calculating average speed for the entire trip?

No. The average for the trip tells you nothing about any moment during the trip. Maybe you started out yesterday and arrived today, 900 miles away, 20 hours later. The midpoint of the trip was 450 miles from each end. Was it also 10 hours after you started out ? There's no way to know. At the midpoint of the trip, maybe you were driving, maybe you were in a motel asleep, and maybe you were at a truck-stop having pie and coffee. There's no way to know.

Can you determine how fast you were going at a midpoint of a trip by calculating average speed from the entire trip?

You can't. The average doesn't tell you anything about any single point during the trip. If I start out this morning and arrive somewhere 1,000 miles away tomorrow afternoon, my average speed for the entire trip could be 35 miles per hour. But at the mid-point of the trip ... either the mid-miles or the mid-time ... I could very well have been in a motel asleep. You can't tell.

What is the average American's MPG?

According to the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, calculating the distance driven and fuel consumed for the fleet of vehicles operated in the US, the average fuel efficiency of the entire US fleet was improved to 17.2 mpg in 2006.

If you consider the total distance and total time for a trip are you calculating an instantaneous speed or constant speed average speed or non-uniform speed?

When you consider the total distance and total time for a trip, you are calculating average speed. Average speed is the total distance traveled divided by the total time taken. It gives you an overall idea of how fast an object moved during the entire trip, regardless of any fluctuations in speed that may have occurred.

How is the midpoint of a segment different from the length of a segment?

Mostly because, assuming it just one segment, a midpoint by definition (mid- means middle) is the point at the exact middle of a line segment; whereas the length of the segment is the entire length of the segment. Pretty much, a midpoint is a point in the middle of the line, the length is the measurement of the same line.

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How would you find the average speed of a cyclist through an entire?

You measure the entire and divide that by the total.

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The estimated weight of the entire population of the Earth is difficult to determine as it would depend on factors such as age, size, and body composition. However, a rough estimate would be around 316 million tons.

How do you determine if steering axle has abs?

If the vehicle itself has ABS, the entire braking system will have it.

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It can be difficult to find money to pay the wildly variable electric bills that change with the seasons in many locations. This lack of predictability can cause many households money as it interferes with the budget and damages financial wellbeing during high electricity cost months. After you've had electric service for one year, many utility companies are willing to work out an average bill payment for you to make all year long. They do it by calculating electric bill payments for your household for the entire year and charging you a flat fee every month with only minor variation.

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