

Can you eat garibaldi fish

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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yes, you can eat anything if you're hungry enough!

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Q: Can you eat garibaldi fish
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Related questions

What does a garibaldi eat?

A garibaldi is a type of fish. They like to eat algae and also bits of sponges in their environment.

Do garibaldi fish eat their own eggs?

yes the females eat there eggs

What animals eat garibaldis?

Not many fish eat the garibaldi. The California Sea Lion eats it. I don't know how it eats it because the Garibaldi live about 100 feet under the water. Sharks eat my fish too, but what don't sharks eat? The California Moray Eel also eats this fish.

What is garibaldi?

A Garibaldi is a fish. This Fish is seen in the Coastal Waters in California.

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How does a garibaldi protect itself?

The Garibaldi damselfish can be a very aggressive fish is it feels threatened. This fish will attack and bite larger fish and humans.

What family does the fish named Garibaldi belong to?

The bright orange Garibaldi belongs to the family fish called Pomacentridae. This family is mostly comprised of different species of Damsel Fish, of which the Garibaldi is also counted among.

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What fish does a Garibaldi eat?

It eats bottom-dwelling organisms (the most popular of which are mussels, sponges, small fish, snails and snail eggs, algae, worms, shrimp, crustaceans and crabs).

What do garibaldi fish eat?

It eats bottom-dwelling organisms (the most popular of which are mussels, sponges, small fish, snails and snail eggs, algae, worms, shrimp, crustaceans and crabs)