

Can you feed moose straw

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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No you can't. They get splinters

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Q: Can you feed moose straw
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Are moose mammals?

Yes, moose are mammals.

Can you give straw to a hamster?

No you can't feed straw to a hamster or else it will get sick!

What can you feed moose in winter?

No, in the Winter, moose freeze up in the throat and are unable to be fed.

There is a moose on your lawn what do you do?

Let him feed on your grass, trees, shrubs to feed him and help you...

What is the plural of feed?

I assume you mean "feed" as in horse feed rather then the verb "to feed". The plural of "feed" is "feed, just like "moose" or "fish".

How does a moose take care of its young?

A moose takes care of its young by keeping them close. They also feed them and teach them about their surroundings.

What is a moose's food source?

Moose feed on many types of vegetation including the leaves and berries of bushes and small trees.

Can deer and moose exist together?

Yes, and they do. Actually, the moose is a type of deer. Usually, the two feed on different items in the biome.

Is straw bales used for feed?

Not often. Straw has little food value as it is hard to digest. Hay bales are used, instead.

What does straw smell like?

Straw smells very natural. Its hard to explain exactly what straw smells like, even if you do go out to eh barn everyday and feed your horse, life me (:

What do you feed a wild moose?

You really shouldn't feed wildlife as it makes them lose their natural wariness of humans, which could prove fatal to them in the future.

Do moose live in the north pole?

No, they don't go that far north. There's no vegetation for them to feed on.