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Q: Can you find find five descriptive sentences?
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What is descriptive sentences?

A descriptive sentences are sentences that describe something. e.g The black tubby cat sat on the pink mat.

What is it called when you use 3 descriptive sentences?

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How descriptive should slide text be?

it should be with complete sentences

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make five sentences with word you

Is almost an adjective in almost anywhere?

In descriptive sentences, there are adjectives almost everywhere.

What would you be likely to find in a descriptive essay?

Both figurative language and words that appeal to the five senses -apex :)

Who are authors of descriptive reseach?

how to find descriptive writers thanks for the help how to find descriptive writers thanks for the help

When a writer uses very descriptive language sometimes figurative language to appeal to your five senses?

Descriptive writing use the five senses

What one thing could you do to make your sentences clearer?

Use descriptive words, and try to keep the sentences short. Do not be afraid to re-write.

What are some descriptive sentences?

The Hurricane crashed deafeningly against the bright, red, boat.

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descriptive statistics

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गाय एक चार पैर वाला जानवर है। वह घास, दाना और पानी से भरपूर खाती है। गाय हड्डियों से बनी होती है और दूध उत्पादन के लिए हमारे लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। गाय भारतीय संस्कृति में पवित्र मानी जाती है और उसका गोबर भी उपयोगी होता है। गाय अपने बच्चे को ध्यान से पालती है।