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no that's ridiculous! (think about it)

You can't get another human high. But you definetly sweat it out, and if you pet animals while you're high, And you're all sweaty, You can definetly get them high to.

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12y ago
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15y ago

if someone blows crack smoke in your face and you hold it in like a shot gun you will get high.

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11y ago

Hell Yea you can even test positive just being around the smoke.

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15y ago

No. // yess you can when you get sweat on you from someone on exstacyy you get high too :)

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13y ago

You might as well

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Q: Can you get a contact high from meth?
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Can you get a contact high from crysatl meth?

Yes, you can. You will also test positive for meth just from being exposed to it's smoke.

What does it mean when a meth user is tweaking?

easiest way to put it is if a meth user is tweeking he/she is high on meth. tweeking is the slang for high on meth. its like how when u smoke pot u get "stoned". use meth and you get "tweeked" or "twacked"

What are the side effects of mixing meth and Suboxone do you still get a buzz from the meth?

Suboxone will not affect a meth high, no. Suboxone only blocks the effects of other opiates. It has no effect on other types of drugs. It will neither enhance nor ruin the meth high.

What are the release dates for Drugged - 2011 High on Meth 2-3?

Drugged - 2011 High on Meth 2-3 was released on: USA: October 2012

What do you call it when a bee drive a car?

High on meth

What will happens when your high on meth?

call steve wilkos

Making crystal meth?

First, you get high on meth. Then you steal some anhydrous. Then you buy some ephedrine and batteries and coffee filters. Then you get more high on meth. Drive around to some fields and mix it all together in a cooler. Then wait 4-6weeks.

How can meth be transferred person to person?

Meth can be transferred person to person through direct contact with contaminated surfaces or objects, sharing drug paraphernalia such as pipes or needles, or through bodily fluids like blood or saliva. It is important to avoid sharing any items that may have come into contact with meth to prevent the spread of the drug.

Are you looking to Buy Crystal Meth Online?

Buy Crystal Mеth (Methamphetamine) Online Buy Meth Online. Crystal mеth iѕ the common name fоr сrуѕtаl methamphetamine, a ѕtrоng аnd highly addictive drug that affects the central nеrvоuѕ ѕуѕtеm. meth for sale, buy meth, buy crystal meth online, buy methamphetamine online, crystal meth online, buy crystal meth, order meth online Visit our profile for contact details.

Can drug test pick up on synthetic meth?

Yes, even though the meth is synthesized it's still an Amphetamine (Thus retaining the high that meth-heads enjoy). So the meth is still going to show up on a drug test as an Amphetamine.

How long is someone high on meth?

A few hours to 24 hours

What do you do your boss does meth?

Make sure you are 100% positive he or she is doing meth. Once you find out, contact your local law enforcement and notify them of a colique using narcotics. God bless America.