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Shingles comes from the chicken pox virus (herpes zooster) which is slightly different then oral or genital herpes. If you have had chicken pox before then you can get shingles later in life. But there is a vaccine for it, if you have had chicken pox and you're concerned about shingles then you may want to consider getting it.

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Q: Can you get shingles if you already have herpes virus?
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What are the causes of shingles and what do they go after?

Shingles IS caused by Herpes Zoster virus and it affects the nerves.

What virus causes shingles?

It's the same virus that causes chicken pox - the herpes virus.

Can you get shingles from fever blisters on lips?

You can't get shingles from cold sores. They are both caused by viruses in the herpes family, but cold sores are caused by herpes simplex, and shingles is caused by varicella zoster virus (chickenpox virus).

What type of herpes is girdle herpes?

Herpes zoster, which literally means "girdle herpes," is also known as shingles. It gets its name from the fact that the waist is a common location for an outbreak. Shingles is caused by a reactivation of chickenpox virus (varicella zoster virus).

Are you more apt to develop shingles if you have frequent cold sores?

Yes there are chances, however, there are not many cases developing shingles. But if you do its no surprise.

Can shingles bleed?

Herpes is the name of the virus; a virus has no blood.If you mean can a part of the body which is affected by herpes bleed, it depends on what sort of herpes virus you have and which part of the body.A cold sore, caused by the herpes virus, can indeed crack and bleed.

Is shingles and herpes are same?

Herpes is a family if viruses that cause different diseases. Herpes simplex I is associated with cold sores, herpes simplex II is associated with genital herpes (although those two can be reversed), CMV and EBV can cause mononucleosis and colds and congenital infections in babies as well as cancers, roseolovirus can cause roseola, human herpes virus 8 causes Kaposi's sarcoma and other cancers. The herpes varicella-zoster virus causes chicken pox (varicella). It lies dormant in nerve cells and years later it can reactivate to cause shingles (zoster). So shingles is one example of a herpes virus infection.

What is the classification of Shingles?

Herpes Zoster...the same virus as Chicken Pox.

What viral infection is also known as shingles?

Varicella zoster virus which is a form of the herpes virusHerpes.Shingles.varicellaVaricellaVaricella.

Can you get shingles herpes zoster inside your intestinal track or organs?

It is possible to get shingles or the herpes zoster virus inside of the your intestinal tract or organs. These include the lungs and brain.

An acute inflammation of nerve cells caused by the herpes virus is?


Viral infection known as shingles?

Shingles is caused by a virus called Herpes Zoster. It is basically the result of chicken pox that has been dormant for years. It emerges years later as shingles.