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Yes, I believe you can, but it may depend on the state in which you live. You can contact the state dept of education, and they will give you the information you need. You will probably be required to go in and tell a board from the state dept. your reason for wanting to do this. You will be required to take the state's test in the area(s) you are wanting to teach. These tests are usually one rather long general test for elementary education, and then area specific for high school. Once you pass the test, you should then be issued a teaching certificate for that specific area, and may teach anywhere in that state.

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Q: Can you get a teaching license with a management degree?
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Typically, you must have a masters degree in the subject you are teaching. Thus, business and management courses should be fine.Typically, you must have a masters degree in the subject you are teaching. Thus, business and management courses should be fine.Typically, you must have a masters degree in the subject you are teaching. Thus, business and management courses should be fine.Typically, you must have a masters degree in the subject you are teaching. Thus, business and management courses should be fine.Typically, you must have a masters degree in the subject you are teaching. Thus, business and management courses should be fine.Typically, you must have a masters degree in the subject you are teaching. Thus, business and management courses should be fine.

Can you get a job teaching with a sports management masters degree in NH?

You'll need to have education classes, take testing for a credential, and get a teaching credential.

If you get a master's degree in teaching. Can you work in Management in education?

It is a possibility. Many positions will just say. "master's degree required" which means any master's degree.

How much does a job pay for a person with software license management?

You should attend Northwest College for four years and earn your degree in business management with a minor and computers. This way you will have a well verse background in the software license management field.

What can you do with a master's degree?

If you have a masters degree in history, art, math, English or science, then you could teach. *Majority of Colleges and Universities require a doctorate in order to teach. Teaching in Elementary and Secondary schools requires an additional teaching certificate/license.

What is a doctorate degree in teaching?

A Doctorate Teaching Degree is a college degree that will make you a doctor of teaching. You will be referred to as Dr.

How do I get my teaching certificate in Montana?

You can obtain Class 2 Standard Educator License if you have a bachelors degree and has completed an accredited professional educator preparation program along with supervised teaching experience.

Where can you get teaching license after getting a degree in education?

Yes, you can have a degree in another subject, but you will have to complete a study through an college education department to get the credential to allow you to teach. This may/will include testing, internship/student teaching, and a number of classes in theory and education.

What does the phase teaching out of license means?

Teaching out of licence is when you are teaching a subject that you do not have your degree in. I.E.: A teacher with a licence in English is teaching a Mathematics class because the position needed to be filled and there are no math teachers availiable. Source: Foundations of Education, East Carolina University

How do you get teaching license?

go to teaching school

How many years of college is required to be a teacher?

Teaching requires a Bachelor's degree, and passing a comp test and then you may apply for a professional license.

license plates?

Arizona Teaching License