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You can't get HIV or other infections from sitting on a toilet seat. This is an old wives' tale.

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Q: Can you get aids by sitting on a toilet seat?
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If you dont put tissue down on a public toilet seat is it true that you can contact aids?

AnswerYOU CANNOT CONTACT AIDS FROM A TIOLET SEAT IF THAT WAS THE CASE YOU COULD CONTACT IT THROUGH JUS TOUCHIN DOOR KNOBS AND PUBLIC SINKS AND SHAKIN HANDSActually, you can get AIDS from a toilet seat, but only if yousit down before the other guy gets up! :-)no

Can you catch crabs by sitting on the same toilet seat?

Yes you can , if you sit right after someone with crabs.....

Can you get uti from a person sitting on toilet before you?

No, you can't catch a UTI from the toilet seat, from direct contact with a person, etc. It's not contagious.

PLEASE ANSWER- Can Smegma on a toilet seat contain HIV AIDS?

Smegma is not a bodily fluid known to transmit HIV.

Toilet Seat?

form_title= Toilet Seat form_header= Sit comfortably with a new toilet seat. What color do you want the toilet seat?*= _ [50] Do you want the toilet seat cushioned?*= () Yes () No Do you need to remove an old toilet seat?*= () Yes () No

Can sitting on the toilet for excessive amounts of time cause health issues?

There could be a reason while you have to sit for so long on a toilet. See your doctor. One danger is that pressure from the toilet seat on the back of your legs could restrict blood flow and a deep vein thrombosis is possible to form.

Can you get a staph infection from sitting on a toilet?

It is possible to get a staph infection from sitting on a toilet. You can get a staph infection by touching any surface which has the bacteria on it.

What is a lavatory seat?

a toilet seat

How does one fit an elongated toilet seat?

Fitting an elongated toilet seat is just like fitting a regular toilet seat. One probably shouldn't have an elongated seat on a regular toilet though as it would not fit properly.

Why do guys put up the toilet seat?

To pee- so they do not pee on the toilet seat.

What simple machine is a toilet seat hinge?

A toilet seat cover is a lever.

What are the dimensions of an toilet seat?

A standard toilet seat is 430mm long x 360mm wide.