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It usually looks like cauliflower on the tip I don't think it can be on your testies but maybe it can chances are its just a zit but get checked out if you think it's a wart can't be to carefull

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Yes, you can get genital warts on your penis, scrotum, or other nearby skin.
yes i have it bad and it burns, my gf tried gnawing them off for me

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Q: Can genital warts be only on the balls of a male?
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Is there a vaccine for common warts?

No, only for genital warts like Giardasil.

Are warts chronic?

Genital warts are usually flat, papular, or pedunculated growths on the genital mucosa. Diagnosis of genital warts is made by visual inspection and may be confirmed by biopsy, although biopsy is needed only under certain circumstances. No data support the use of HPV nucleic acid tests in the routine diagnosis or management of visible genital warts.

Do you have to have hpv to have genital warts?

HPV has over 30 different types. Only a few of the types cause warts. Unless your healthcare provider tells you that you have genital warts, you do not.

Male Genital Warts?

Genital warts are caused by certain strains of human papillomavirus, or HPV. This common sexually-transmitted disease is transmitted through skin-to-skin contact, although not all strains of HPV cause symptoms, let alone genital warts. While HPV is a well-known risk factor for cervical cancer in women, there are risks to men's health, too. In addition, the symptoms and treatments for male genital warts sufferers differ from those of females.Symptoms of genital warts in malesGenital warts appear as small growths in the genital area, including the penis, scrotum, anus and thighs. These growths can vary in size and often appear in cauliflower-like clusters. Because many warts are flat, some doctors utilize vinegar or acetic acid to identify them -- warts turn white when the vinegar is applied. It is important to remember that the absence of genital warts does not mean HPV infection is not present, however.Men who suspect they have genital warts or any other sexually-transmitted illness should visit their doctors for a thorough examination and diagnosis. Treating male genital wartsGenital warts treatment can involve several measures, including surgical removal, application of topical prescription creams and freezing or burning the warts. Removal is not the only means by which warts go away, however -- the immune system eventually clears the virus from the body, but the duration and intensity of wart growth is unpredictable.Risk factors for malesThe strains of HPV that cause genital warts differ from those that cause cancer. While the warts themselves are not pleasant, they are not inherently dangerous. However, the open sores caused by warts can bleed when irritated, which raises the risk of HIV transmission. Additionally, men who participate in high-risk sexual behaviors, such as unprotected sex with multiple partners, may carry multiple strains of HPV, including those that do cause penile and anal cancers.While genital warts are often uncomfortable, they usually pose no danger. Men can reduce the risk of contracting or spreading HPV and other STDs by using condoms with each and every sexual partner. If genital warts do appear, men should visit their doctors to rule out more serious ailments and to take advantage of the wide range of treatments available to relieve discomfort.

Who can get the HPV vaccine and what does it do?

The approved age range currently is from 9-26. It is recommended that girl receive it between the ages of 12-18, but older women can get it, too.The vaccines provide protection against HPV, different strains of which can cause both genital warts and cervical (and other genital) cancers.Gardasil is also approved for male for the prevention of genital warts. Gardasil has 4 strains of HPV, 2 of which are common cause of genital warts. The Cervarix is only for women because it has only 2 strains (same one as in Gardasil) that commonly seen in cervical cancer.It is thought the protection against HPV will be life long, but the vaccine has not been around long enough for studies to prove this.

Do rats have balls?

Only male rats have testicles.

How do you do you get genital warts?

AnswerThese should not be treated at home or with home remedies that can be too harsh for the tender tissue in the genital area. The best approach is to get to a gynecologist or urologist if you are a woman, or to a urologist if you are a man.A doctor will need to remove need some cream called bozzoca that vorica that gets rid of voricas and wartssee your doctor asapYou can't get rid of the virus but you can have the warts removed.Go to the doctor is the only way.To eliminate the warts there are 2 options; cryotherapy (freeze them off) or have them surgically removed. For pain and itching relief, check for ointments from your local pharmacy or get a script from your doctor for something more potent.Go to the doctor and get medication. Also, ask questions-- genital warts never really go away. You must learn how this STD spreads and be educated about how to protect your sexual partners.There isn't a cure for genital warts so you can't permanently get rid of it. You can get them removed by a doctor and they can be managed with treatment.You will have to go to a doctor to get them removed.Go to the related link (Genital Warts) belowGenerally the warts will need to be removed surgically (various methods).USE TOOTHPASTE IT WORKSAnswerYou can have them removed but they the virus can not be removed from your system. A doctor can freeze them off. ANSWERYou can try Zerowarts cream if you prefer easy and comfortable treatment at home. Other home remedies are ACV, which is equally effective, castor oil, tea tree oil, etc. You can also go and see a doctor and he'll have it frozen off or eliminated by laser.You cannot permanently get rid of genital warts...The only way to remove the warts, especially if they become a problem is to have them either frozen off, cut off by a laser, or simply have them use a super heated wire and have the surgeons go through the warts like a hot knife through butter. After doing that...they will come back after a certain amount of time.Usually the warts are surgically removed.

Do birds have balls?

Yes as a matter of fact they do. Male birds have two bean-shaped testes just above their kidneys.

Can plantar warts be the cause of a positive HPV result on a pap smear or is it only caused by genital warts?

No, plantar warts cannot cause a positive pap smear. For HPV to show up on a pap smear you would have had to be exposed to it during intercourse. Also you can be positive for HPV on pap smear and not have "warts". There are many different strains of HPV and some of them do not cause warts. There are five different strains of the HPV virus that have been linked to cervical cancer and this is why it is important you get tested during a Pap smear. However, the kinds of HPV that are linked to cancer don't usually cause warts. So remember this, just because you don't have warts doesn't mean you don't have some form of HPV. HPV is actually very common and most people who are sexually active have been exposed to some kind of it. If your pap comes back positive for HPV there are many things that your gynecologist can do to prevent progression to cervical cancer. There is no cure for HPV, but the symptoms can be treated. Talk to your doctor about whether you should treat visible warts. They usually go away with no treatment, but they may also spread. Most people decide to treat them because of the symptoms or because of how the warts look. But if you don't have symptoms and are not worried about how the warts look, you can wait and see if the warts go away. If you do decide to treat genital warts, talk to your doctor about the best treatment for you. There are prescription medicines you or your doctor can put on the warts. Or your doctor can remove them with lasers, surgery, or by freezing them off. Even if you treat visible warts or your warts go away without treatment, the HPV infection can stay in your body's cells. It is possible to spread genital warts to your partner even if you have no signs of them. There are over 100 different types of HPV viruses and you can get planter warts from someone who has genital warts. It is a virus that infects your system not just one area of skin. You can get them on your hands, feet, mucus glands(mouth,throat,ect.)genital areas, face, and anus. The virus can be transmitted by direct contact of the infected area to an unaffected area or by touching the warts on someone and then touching your own skin or area of access. The virus can also be spread sexually which is most common and by using the same towel or other personal article that comes in contact with the exposed warts of someone who is affected. The virus can stay in your system for years and is possible to never go away. If you have a positive pap you need to make sure you do a follow up exam so they can do a visual cervical check because not all genital warts are external. You can get them on your cervical walls and cervix where they will go unseen unless you ask for a visual exam for them. This exam is somewhat uncomfortable because they have to move the speculum around to inspect it. Even though planter warts won't cause a positive pap, you can get planter warts from the same HPV virus strain that causes a positive pap to appear.

Why don't toads cause warts?

Warts are caused by a virus that only humans can carry.

How does hpv attack the body?

Depending on the strain of HPV (human papillomavirus), it can cause genital warts (small fleshy bumps or clusters of bumps found on the genital area), an increased risk of cervical cancer, or show no signs or symptoms at all. In most cases, women affected with HPV have the virus and it resolves on its own. If you are sexually active or 21 years or older, it is recommended that you have a Pap smear annually to screen for cervical cancer and other abnormalities (including HPV).

Are warts transmissible?

YES!!!I did NOT know that until my little boy had one and i just cant seem to get rid of it, so i called my older sister who is a Nurse, has been for YEARS!!! and she said whatever you do... DONT PICK AT IT!!! it is a VIRUS , just like a flu, and contagious and it will spread...........Sorta like conjuntivitis in the eye!!! that fast! (PINK EYE)So DONT touch it,,yes you CAN get it......sorry.