

Can you get germs from soap?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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14y ago

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soap cannot give you germs it is carefully designed to get rid of germs

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Q: Can you get germs from soap?
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Related questions

How does handwashing with soap and water remove germs and chemicals?

Because the soap has remove germs

What percentage does soap kill germs?

Soap kills 79% of germs off of your hands.

When you wash your hands do all the germs come off?

No, not all the germs come off because there are billions and billions and even trillions of types of germs that can exist on a single doorknob, and if soap is applied, about only 99% of the germs go away because soap is not a killer of all the trillions of germs there are. There are some that are not affected by soap, and if soap is used to often, the germs get used to the soap and build up an immunity to it, therefore when you use soap to often, soap will eventually not affect the germs at all.

Which soap can kill germs?

All soap kills germs -- that's why we use soap instead of just rinsing off with plain water.

Does soap prevent germs from replicating?

no soap is reall poo

Why the soap is invented?

to wash out the germs

Can you kill germs with antibacterial soap?

Yes, that is the purpose of antibacterial soap.

Does soap kill germs?

Soap can kill germs but can't get rid of them permanently. They will keep coming back. Don't buy 'can kill 99.9% of germs because not only does it kill bad germs, but it kills the good ones too.

How many germs can soap kill?


Why does soap kill most germs?


Can you still get allergenic after something wash?

No. The soap kills the germs & anything touching the soap.

How does soap removes the germs?

The molecules in the soap attach the dirt and the water causing it to come of