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It is possible but not very likely. Implantation bleeding would occur after ovulation, which is more than a week after most periods end. For implantation bleeding to happen, you would have had to ovulate first, and afterwards it would have to be around a week before you see any spotting.

If your periods are irregular then it is still possible, since you could have ovulated during the last days of your period. However, if you have some extra stuff like brown discharge coming out this soon after your period has ended, it's probably old blood and isn't much to worry about.

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I don't know but I have the same question!! I hope someone can help on this... I've only read it to be around 4 weeks.

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Technically no. If you are pregnant implantation has already occurred.

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Q: Can you get implantation bleeding at 6 weeks pregnant?
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Is it normal for implantation blood to last up to 6 days?

I'm not certain if this is considered normal, but I had implantation bleeding that lasted exactly 6 days when I was pregnant with my son.

What does it mean when you are two weeks late and have no spotting but had a white milky pink discharge only once?

it could be implantation bleeding, this usually shows up 6-11 days after ovulation, and or conception. Raye answer it could be Implantation bleeding which is a sign of pregnancy doesn't always mean your pregnant though. I think you maybe pregnant more days your late the more chance your pregnant go take a pregnancy test kate

How the implantation bleeding look like?

I am waiting to go to the doctor to confirm how far along I am. I know I'm pregnant but I did a test over a month ago and it was negative, plus I had what seemed like a period but apparently I am at least 6 weeks. I believe that you can get pregnant and still have an actual period for 1 or 2 months. I have not gotten a period since. so my advice is to wait, and take tests. sometimes tests won't show a positive for about 5 weeks.

If you had your period for one day does that mean you're pregnant?

It is a possibility, it could be Implantation Bleeding. Implantation Bleeding is vaginal discharge which usually contains a small amount of pinkish or brownish blood. About a third of pregnant women experience implantation bleeding. It can happen at the time the fertilized egg implants in the uterus, on average between 6 to 12 days past ovulation. Unless it is accompanied by cramping, backache or increased bleeding, a small amount of blood being discharged should be considered as implantation bleeding which is nothing to be concerned about.

You had miscarriage before and now pregnant but see blood at 6 weeks?

Drink your eight glasses of water to avoid dehydration and lay down and rest for a few days. It may simply be implantation bleeding, but see your doctor to be evaluated.

If you got pregnant on May 21 then when would you have implantion bleeding?

Implantation bleeding, if any, would occur anywhere from 6-12 days after ovulation. Implantation bleeding does not always occur, even if implantation does occur, so if you think you are pregnant, and it's been longer than 14 days since ovulation, (or 21 days since unprotected sex) you can safely take a home pregnancy test and get accurate results.

How soon after you conceive can you get implantation bleeding?

Generally you will bleed ( 1/3 of pregnancies you get implantation bleeding) 6-12 days after fertilization.

How long does light bleeding in early pregnancy last?

Light bleeding in the first few weeks of pregnancy is also called implantation bleeding. It can last anywhere from 1 to 7 days. It will be extremely light if it is indeed implantation bleeding. Women can experience very light "periods" during the first 6 months of pregnancy.

Can you have implantation bleeding then get your period?

If you get your period I do not believe it could have been implantation bleeding. You cannot get a period when you are pregnant. Any bleeding that you could have gotten would be implantation bleeding, which isn't very common, and you would not have gotten your period afterwards. No the above answer is wrong. You CAN get your period when you are pregnant. Not just once but every month. A woman in Canada just gave birth and didn't even know she was pregnant because she had a regular period every month, had no pregnancy symptoms and because she is a larger woman, could not see her stomach grow. Therefore, YES you CAN get pregnant and still have a period.

Can implantation bleeding take place a week afer a missed period?

Implantation bleeding generally occurs 6 - 12 days after ovulation.

When does implantation bleeding occur if at all?

Hi, Implantation bleeding occurs 6-12 days after intercourse when fertilisation of the egg has taken place. Not every woman experiences implantation bleeding and it is not as common as a lot of women think.

Your last period was the 25th and it is now the 16th of the following month and you are cramping and bleeding do you think this is your period or implantation bleeding?

What does implantation bleeding look like? Implantation bleeding is vaginal discharge which usually contains a small amount of pinkish or brownish blood. Only about a third of pregnant women experience implantation bleeding. When does implantation bleeding usually occur? It can happen at the time the fertilized egg implants in the uterus, on average between 6 to 12 days past ovulation. So implantation bleeding is not really bleeding but spotting you experience it only when you wipe or a thin sanitary pad would be enough...If it is really bleeding and the colour of the blood is red or reddish it is your period I am afraid. The best would be to take a test or see a doctor...