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No they are formed when you strain during a bowel movement and weaken your bowel muscles.

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Q: Can you get piles from sitting on a cold floor?
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A student put his foot on a cold floor and immediately pulled his foot of the floor what type of response is this?

The floor is cold?

How do you stop a cold?

by sitting in bed all day and taking cold drops

What does SOFL stand for?

sitting. on. the. floor. laughing. the isn't included in the initials.people say rofl rolling on the floor laughing. in this situation rolling is being replaced with sitting or standing or anything that starts with an s.

Why do Japanese people eat on the floor?

Low tables and sitting or sleeping on the floor is still traditional for Japanese people.

Do people in Spain eat sitting on the floor?

no they eat in barns and tents

How do you stop a cold fast?

by sitting in bed all day and taking cold drops

Can eggs hatch if the hen stops sitting on them and they get cold?


Does people in India eat on the floor?

Traditionally, meals are eaten while sitting on the floor. But with the modernisation of India, this practice is diminishing.

Can temperature affect solidity?

yes, it is. If we are feeling cold on our feet then we seem that the floor is cold. so here the floor is a solid thing.

Why it is easier to drag a mat on floor when nobody is sitting on it but more difficult to drag the same mat when a person is sitting on it?

increased friction

Which is scarier sitting or standing with floor on Apocalypse at Drayton Manor?

Standin obviously

Why do dairy cows like to hang out on large piles of manure?

They dont, animals dont like to be dirty, especially with dairy cattle it is important that the udders stay clean and healthy. Now I have seen cattle that preffer the hard floor as apposed to the soft bedding that could be because of heat (they find the floor cooler), but she is not laying in large piles of manure. If diary or any animal are laying in large piles of manure than there is a risk of the operation getting shut down.