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Somewhere around age 50, women usually stop ovulating (releasing an egg to be fertilized), a condition known as menopause. Once a woman has completely stopped ovulating, she cannot become pregnant (no egg), and will no longer have a menstrual period. However, menopause does not occur at the same age for all women.

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Q: Can you get pregnant when you don't have no more periods?
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Do you have periods when pregnant?

No, you dont.

You have irregular periods and you think im pregnant but it dont show on the testers what do you do?

If you are still having periods and the tests have proved negative then you are not pregnant. What you should do is in future take more care with your contraception.

Can a child get pregnant before she starts having periods?

no, i dont think so.

How soon can you find out if you are pregnant if you dont have regular periods?

Around two weeks after intercourse.

I dont get regular periods can i still get pregnant and how can i tell if i am?

yes you can stil get pregnant and there is no need to worry. A simple pregnancy test will work.

Can a woman have a period what time she is pregnant?

normally once you are pregnant , your periods stop. but sometimes , some ladys still get a show every month, so they dont always think they are pregnant, because the think they are still having periods.

How can you regulate your periods so you can get pregnant?

i dont think you can you could try and ask someone who has before

If your on some form of birth control dont you automatically get periods how can you tell when your pregnant if you get automatic bleeding?

I know about the pill. I have know women (not many) that have gotten pregnant while on the pill, but as soon as they got pregnant they no longer had any periods. I hope that this helps:)

If your periods arent normal does that mean you cant get pregnant?

No, you can definitely get pregnant. I go 4 to 5 months without periods and I just found out I am pregnant. You can still ovulate even if you don't have a period. Good luck if you're trying to get pregnant.. if not, make sure you are still careful!!

Follicle is not ruptured but periods are regular can you get pregnant?

One can always GET pregnant. You are probably not currently pregnant if you have regular periods.

Why is it hard to get pregnant with irregular periods?

because you have to have periods to ovulate, and with them being irregular, im sure it would be a lot more difficult.

Can Irregular periods lead to miscarriages?

Usually when you're pregnant, you don't have periods at all - so they can't contribute to miscarriages. What irregular periods do most is make it a tad more difficult to figure out when to have sex to have the best chance of getting pregnant. The fix for that is fairly simple - have more sex.