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The answer to your question is yes you can het sun burn from reflections of snow, but its a combination of the sun and the reflection that gives you the sun burn. sun light is sun light yes uv light is reflected and will burn you

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Q: Can you get sunburn from sun reflecting on snow?
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What is a reflective sunburn?

A reflecting sunburn is a sunburn that does not last long.

How does snow affect the earth's albedo?

Albedo means how reflective the earth is. Snow increases the earth's albedo by reflecting more of the sun's radiation.

When was Sunburn - Sun album - created?

Sunburn - Sun album - was created in 1978.

Can people who live in snowy climates get a tan under their chin from the sun reflecting off the snow?

Yes definitely.

Why do you get snow blinded and sunburn when skiing?

Since you are at a higher elevation the suns rays are more intense, this is why you will get sun burnt. Snow blindness happens because the light reflects of the snow and makes it more bright.

Is sunburn compound word?

sunburn is a compound word. sun + burn = sunburn

Is sunburn a compound word?

Sunburn is a compound word. sun + burn = sunburn

Can you get sunburned while skiing on snow?

It does not need to be hot, for one to get sunburn. Sunburn is the result of over-exposure to the Sun's ultraviolet radiation. Skiers faces and hands are exposed to the Sun when skiing, particularly at high altitudes. The snow also reflects radiation, which other surfaces, such as grass and rock, would absorb.

Snow on the ground prevents polar climates from gaining heat by what mechanism?

By reflecting the Sun's heat back into space. This is called albedo.

Do cats gets sunburn?

The sun hits them in the right direction then they get a sunburn.

What does the sun do to you?

It gives you a sunburn.

What does the sun do to animals?
