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friction is the force resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces,fluid layer,or meterial elements in contact

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2w ago

Friction is a force that opposes the relative motion or tendency of such motion of two surfaces in contact. It plays a crucial role in everyday life, affecting our ability to walk, drive, and interact with our environment. Understanding and managing friction is essential for improving efficiency and safety in various applications.

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Q: Can you give a conclusion about friction?
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What would be a conclusion for lab for inclined plane and friction?

In conclusion, the lab experiment on inclined planes and friction showed that the angle of incline significantly affects the frictional force acting on an object. As the angle of incline increases, the frictional force also increases, making it harder for the object to slide down. Understanding the relationship between inclined planes and friction is crucial in various applications such as engineering and physics.

List the two types of friction and give an example of each?

The two types of friction are static friction and kinetic friction. Static friction occurs when two surfaces are in contact but not moving relative to each other, while kinetic friction occurs when two surfaces are in contact and are moving relative to each other. An example of static friction is pushing a heavy box that is initially at rest, while an example of kinetic friction is dragging that same box once it is in motion.

What type of friction is Throwing?

Throwing involves dynamic friction, which is the type of friction that occurs between two surfaces in relative motion. When an object is thrown, the friction between the object and the hand provides the force needed to accelerate the object and give it velocity.

Give an example of sliding friction?

Pushing a box along the floor is an example of sliding friction. The resistance encountered when trying to slide an object across a surface is due to the sliding friction between the two materials.

Explain the difference between static friction and kinetic friction. Give an example of each.?

Static friction occurs when two surfaces are not moving relative to each other, while kinetic friction occurs when two surfaces are sliding past each other. An example of static friction is trying to push a heavy box that won't budge, while an example of kinetic friction is the resistance when sliding a book across a table.

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4 types of friction and give an example of each?

Rolling Friction, Static Friction, Sliding Friction, & fluid Friction

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What would be a conclusion for lab for inclined plane and friction?

In conclusion, the lab experiment on inclined planes and friction showed that the angle of incline significantly affects the frictional force acting on an object. As the angle of incline increases, the frictional force also increases, making it harder for the object to slide down. Understanding the relationship between inclined planes and friction is crucial in various applications such as engineering and physics.

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List the two types of friction and give an example of each?

The two types of friction are static friction and kinetic friction. Static friction occurs when two surfaces are in contact but not moving relative to each other, while kinetic friction occurs when two surfaces are in contact and are moving relative to each other. An example of static friction is pushing a heavy box that is initially at rest, while an example of kinetic friction is dragging that same box once it is in motion.

Can you give me few examples of using draw a conclusion in a science sentence?

He could not draw a conclusion on the basis of conversation. This is an example using the phrase draw a conclusion.

Give a long introduction of friction and its types?

the four types of friction are static friction,sliding friction,rolling friction,and fluid friction Static friction is friction between two solid objects that are not moving relative to each other. Fluid friction is with any kind of liquid or glass. sliding friction is when a surface slides on another surface. Rolling friction is when you are moving with wheels.