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You can have RA and feel the symptoms in just one hand if you are lucky however if it is RA you are thinking of it is likely that you will experience it in other parts of the body before long. get it checked out by a doctor/

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Q: Can you have RA in just one hand?
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ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ah ah ah ah ah ar ar ar ar ra ra ra ra ra t(._.t)

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What would cause both hands to become numb and painful with added swelling of the fingers?

The description though brief seems consistent with Rheumatoid arthritis, (RA). RA causes swelling in joints and can lead to joint destruction if left untreated. If the RA has become active in your hands there is a distinct possibility that it has also caused inflammation in the carpel tunnel area (the middle of the hand just under the wrist) this will lead to tingling numbness and at times pain in the fingers and hands. on the thumb side of the hand extending to the center of the ring finger. If the problem becomes consistent medical attention should be sought as it can lead to serious nerve and muscular damage in the hand.