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As a patient you can choose do do whatever you want. Nobody can force you to do anything. However, survival rates are based off of what the doctor recomends. If he recomends having chemo and or radiation I would do it. The reason being, even though during surgery they removed the tumor itself, microscopic cancer cells may have gotten transfered, by the scalpel, by the blood anything. And all it takes is one cell and then you are not cured. The chemo/radiation is like the "second wave" that makes sure there are no survivors (cancer cells) left.

I some cases, an Sentenal Node biospy is performed at the time of the lumpectomy to see if any cancer cells have migrated to any of the Lymph nodes one the side where the breast lump was discovered. If yes, then an Axial Node discection may be done with some chemotherapy and/or radiation. But it is a case by case judgement call on the part of the treating doctor and a decision made by the patient.

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Q: Can you have a lumpectomy and not receive chemo or radiation therapy?
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for people undergoing chemo it is just alright to be near that person. however there is a certain type of radiation therapy wherein you need to keep your distance with that person. such form is called internal radiation therapy wherein the cancer patient will receive implantable radiation source. the best way for you to protect your pregnancy from chemo and radiation is to stay away from them. avoid handling chemo drugs and stay away from any radiation source.

If someone has breast cancer what is the medical treatment?

Depending on the severity of the breast cancer the treatments usually areMastectomy, lumpectomy, chemo therapy and radiation. Different combinations of the treatments are used. The doctor should explain ALL of them.

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Actually, I believe it is not. In fact studies have show hormone replacement therapy may increase your risk of other cancers. Therefore it seems that you should try to avoid this as an option. Chemo and radiation are really your only options.

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No, "chemo" and "therapy" are both root words. "Chemo" originates from the word "chemical," while "therapy" comes from the Greek word "therapeia," meaning treatment or cure.

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There are many different types of cancers with different pathologies, growth rates and treatments. Common cancer treatment therapies include chemo therapy, radiation therapy, surgery and more.

Can cesium therapy be used with chemotherapy?

Yes. Cesium is a live radiation souce that is used to treat a localized area. Chemo is a systemic therapy that courses through the entire body (it is not radioactive).

If you have breast cancer stage 1 with no lymphnode involvement do you have to take chemo therapy?

You can get that tumor surgically removed and do some radiation to help clear it all up and lessen chances of it coming back. You may not need Chemo, at all.

What is rice chemo?

Combo chemo therapy for lymphoma using: Rituximab, Ifosfamide, Carboplatin, and Etoposide

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This is quite common and usually a side effect of the radiation therapy. Please see your Oncologist and discuss this with them because once they explain this to you it will put your mind to rest. God Bless & Get Well Soon!

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