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Yes you can, but the more variables you have the more complex the problem becomes.

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Q: Can you have more than one variable in an experiment?
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What happens when more than one variable changes during a scientific experiment?

The outcome of the experiment may not be linked to any one specific variable.

Can a experiment have more than one independent variable?

yes it can I've done a few experiments that have had more than one independant variable.

Can you have more than one responding variable?

It really depends on what the experiment is.

To be valid an experiment must not include?

To be valid, an experiment must not include bias, confounding variables, or unreliable measures in order to accurately assess the cause-and-effect relationship between variables.

Why is only one variable changed in an experiment?

You can have more than one variable, but it would take longer to solve.

Why should an experiment be tested only one variable at a time?

if you change more than one variable, you will not know which one has had an effect on the experiment. If the outcome changes when one variable is altered, then the change can only be due to the one variable, by logical deduction.

Why does having more than one variable complicates the results of an experiment?

Because you can't be sure what about the variable is changing or how it changes. The different factors of the variable can also change the experiment in different ways, therefore making the experiment more complicated.

Why can you have only one variable in a experiment?

Actually, you have two - dependent and independent. But, you only have one variable because otherwise the answer wouldn't be accurate if you had more than one variable.

What are the variables in a scientific experiment?

There are 3 different variable. The independent variable is what you will be changing in the experiment and there should only be one. The dependent variable is what you will be measuring or observing. The controlled variable is what you will be keeping the same and there can be more than one. There is no limit on how many controlled variables you can have.

Why is it important to only test one variable in an experiment?

Because if you change more than one variable at a time, you can't tell which is affecting the results.

Why is it imporatant to change systematically only one variable at a time when doing the experiment?

It is important to only change one variable at a time when doing an experiment, because if you change more than one, there will be uncertainty as to which one affected the result.

Why is it important to not change your variable in an experiment?

If you change more that one variable in an experiment, then when the result occurs, you won't know which variable caused the change.