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some women mistake bleeding from the baby, as a irregular period whom do not know

they are pregnant. And there are symptoms such as vomit, irregular bleeding, low self esteem, and much much more.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Menstruation is the peeling of the inner most wall of the Uterus.

Usually, when a Woman is pregnant, they will not receive their period- but it is still possible.

Receiving your period is not a sure fire way to tell if you're pregnant or not.

If you are concerned that you are pregnant, take a pregnancy test AND talk to your Doctor immediately.

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11y ago

you do not have your period if you're pregnant. if you miss it, then you know to check.

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17y ago

we ladies will never have a month w/o pain and suffering. blood, morning sickness, or hot flashes, take your pick. this is why we are the superior sex. guys would never make it in our bodies.

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15y ago

you may still get some cramps and you will feel sick to your stomach and really tired for the first couple months then everything should start to go back to normal

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12y ago

Most of the time pms symptoms come right before your period, but several girls/women get pms during there period.

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Q: Can you have periods and pms symptoms while pregnant?
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Do you PMS when you are pregnant?

While you do not have PMS while pregnant, you might experience PMS-like symptoms like mood swings.

Can a girl have he PMS and be pregnant?

You can have symptoms that are similar to PMS and still be pregnant.

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You can experience PMS symptoms and be pregnant yes. But if you get your period then you aren't pregnant.

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If a girl is experiencing a menstruation symptoms she can be pregnant?

Could be, most likely it is PMS.

Is it possible to have PMS symptoms but no period to follow?

some people experince pms or signs of there period without getting it after....this can mean that you are pregnant.

You have irregular periods and your last 2 periods came on time Now symptoms not sure if they are pregnancy symptoms or pms you have diarrhea headaches frequent peeing heartburn bloating got neg tests?

so you havnt missed a period and have had negative tests, that is a good sign, i mean if you do not want to be, all the other symptoms you have named could deffinatly be pms, and they are not just trure to pregnancy those symptoms can come from any where and it might just all be in your head, that you are convinced you are pregnant that you think you have these signs, i would talk to a medical prefessional

Why do you use birth control?

Birth control is used primarily as a contraceptive, to decrease periods, and to decrease PMS symptoms

Terrible heartburn and your nipples are itching but you got your period?

Whenever you go through a normal cycle, your hormones are in flux. PMS symptoms can be very similar to pregnancy symptoms. However, some people continue to get their periods when they are pregnant, so you should probably test to be sure.

What if you were having symptoms of pregnancy like stomach ache feet ache breast pain from last 12days and suddenly you have periods?

Then you're not pregnant. Those are just PMS symptoms (except foot pain, which isn't really a pregnancy symptom either until about 32+ weeks)

When you are pregnant and have your period is it accompanied by pms symptoms like bloating and sore breasts?

what i mean is, have those symptoms before and during period, but not all the time.

When first pregnant can you still get period like symptoms?

That feeling that menstruation is about to happen is very common. Most of the symptoms of early pregnancy are very much like PMS.