

Can you help me with reading?

Updated: 10/10/2023
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11y ago

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  • You concentrate on reading by blocking out all noises, and things that will distract you!
  • Get comfortable with a book that you'd like to read. Don't choose a book that will bore you. (: Choosing a book that would be easy for you to understand and one that you would like to read plays a big role in affecting your reading!
  • Lastly, try to focus on what you're reading, and if you understand it or not. If you don't understand what you're reading, you will stare off into space wondering what you're reading about!
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11y ago
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11y ago

If you are struggling with reading, the most important thing is to find out why. In general, there are around 7 causes that could be contributing factors. Take a look at them and see if you fit in any of the categories

1) Optilexia or an auditory deficit - Do you guess a lot or try to sight-recognize a word? If so, you might be a bright visual learner that has stopped using the auditory function to read a word. To fix this you need help to allow you to engage with the sounds or phonemes within a word - this engages your auditory function instead of the visual, sight-reading function.

2) Eye-tracking weakness - Do you lose your place, skip words or feel tired when reading? Many people with reading difficulties do struggle with these things. To fix this you need to do some exercises to strengthen those eye muscles.

3) Irlen Syndrome - Does text move or shimmer on the page? This is a problem that some people have processing the contrast between black text on white paper. To fix this, you can use colored overlays or tinted glasses.

4) Poor memory - Do you have chopping reading and low comprehension? Short-term memory is constantly in use when we read. If there is a weakness there it can cause difficulties in reading quickly and fluently. To fix this you need to break down and repeat the reading tasks until it becomes an automated procedure that doesn't tax the short-term memory

5) Fluency block - Do you find that you can sound out a word but struggle to put it together? Some people can decode brilliantly but really struggle to blend words together. This is tricky to fix but you can practice improving with anagrams and by re-reading text until it is fluent

6) Attention issues - Is concentrating on text an issue? ADHD is too common a diagnosis but some people definitely do have problems sitting still. To help with this keep reading practice down to 10-15 minutes slots and make sure that you have plenty of exercise!

7) Stress - Is reading your least favorite activity? When you are stressed about reading, the brain actually blocks the learning process as a part of its fight-or-flight stress response. To fix this, the reading process needs to be full of encouragement and small achievable goals. once confidence has improved, so does reading.

- Sarah at Easyread

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11y ago

There are two types of books: nonfiction and fiction. I'm guessing you mean a nonfiction book, but here are some tips for both.


  • Write down the headings listed in bold onto your study sheet or into your notebook. These are the main ideas - when you study, change each one into a question and make certain you can answer them
  • Write down any terms given in bold and include definitions - use these to study with - you can make a Study Deck with these, too (see related question below to learn how to do this)
  • Study any pictures, graphs, diagrams, and sidebars (little boxes with important information set to the side of the main writing) - be sure you understand each one of these, as they're usually the most important ideas and explanations
  • Work any practice problems and answer any practice questions given in the book to be sure you understand them


  • Read the book through first, just to get the main ideas
  • You should be able to identify the following without looking back at the book: basic plot, setting, protagonist (hero), and antagonist (whoever or whatever thwarts the hero) -- if you cannot identify these, you need to read the whole book again and pay attention to what you're reading this time
  • See if you can identify each element in the book without reading it again - be able to state the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Read through the book again to find these if you need to - you can just skim through the second time around
  • Look for extra things like atmosphere, mood, style, and tone. Skim through the book if you can't identify these
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12y ago

Practice. Reading out loud helps some individuals. Vocabulary improvement helps as well.

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14y ago

The Library. Ask the librarian for a book on your reading level. Or in the book store. I think that you can read, when you have found out how to ask a question here...

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