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Yes, judgment for a debt is a civil matter and does not affect a persons rights to travel or carry on with their life in a normal way. It can however affect the person's financial situation in several ways. As a wage garnishment or lien against real property owned by the debtor or seizure and liquidation of non-exempt property owned by the debtor or bank account levies.

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Q: Can you get back into Australia with outstanding debt?
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How can I find out if I have any outstanding debts?

Usually you will receive late notices for outstanding debt. However, you can check with a credit agency such as Veda and or Dunn and Bradstreet in Australia.

Can a family member buy the house that is in a reverse mortgage?

Only if they pay off the outstanding debt owed on the mortgageOnly if they pay off the outstanding debt owed on the mortgageOnly if they pay off the outstanding debt owed on the mortgageOnly if they pay off the outstanding debt owed on the mortgage

You left Australia with outstanding debt and moved back to new zealandihave been threatened with legal proceedings for a three thousand dollar credit card debt can you be charged?

I doubt if you will be extradited over a 3 thousand dollar debt. However you should keep in mind that many of the credit institutions that operate in Australia also operate in NZ so it could harm your rating for a while.

Can you be arrested when entering the US if you have outstanding debt?

No. Outstanding debt is a civil matter, not criminal. You can not be arrested for a civil matter.

What does debt outstanding mean?

That u payed your debt in full

You have debt in Australia and am now living in New Zealand Can you travel back to Australia for a holiday?

im still living in Australia

What is a viable method use to collect outstanding debt?

A method to collect outstanding debt is to take legal action. If you sue or threaten to sue someone for a debt, they are likely to pay.

If you pay the same bill twice using your debit card can you get your money back?

yes you can, if there are no outstanding payments. otherwise, your creditor might apply the second payment towards the outstanding debt. that is the easy way out for them.

What is viable method used to collect outstanding debts?

A method to collect outstanding debt is to take legal action. If you sue or threaten to sue someone for a debt, they are likely to pay.

Is a viable method to used to collect outstanding debts?

A method to collect outstanding debt is to take legal action. If you sue or threaten to sue someone for a debt, they are likely to pay.

What will happen if you come back in Australia and you have 4 years old debt in Australia?

nothing unless they catch up to you at which point they may demand settlement of the debt. it is a civil mater and will possibly effect your ability to get credit.

Who is responsible for outstanding credit card debt if bank cancels your credit card?

You are because you incurred the debt.