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Can you? of course. Should you? thats up to the user and his/her level of experience with the medicine and tolerance level.

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Q: Can you mix caffeine with xanax with coffee and soda?
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Can you take Adderall and coffee together?

if your body is able to handle the caffeine, if your sensitive to caffeine then I would not mix them because you could have heart arythmias, and raise your blood pressure

Can you mix dxm and caffeine?

A cup of coffee or two will be ok. But dxm increases heart rate and blood pressure, and so does caffeine. go light on the caffeine, and dont even think of trying a stronger stimulant.

What happens when you mix coffee with a percaset?

Nothing, you still get the effects of both the caffeine and painkillers so it should be all good. :)

Does Lipton iced tea MIX have caffeine it does not say anything about caffeine on the container nor in the ingredients?

YES IT DOES! I had the same question and found an EXCELLENT chart this is very enlightening! Coffee Yogurt too!

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Aleve and all NSAIDS are not recommended to be used with Caffeine and other diuretics because they all stress your kidneys.

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What do you get when you mix Coca Cola and Coffee?

You will get a mix of Coca Cola and coffee.

Can you mix Xanax and dxm?

Why would you want to do that, xanax will just kill your trip and make you sleep.

What happens if you mix alcohol with coffee?

When you mix alcohol with coffee, the caffeine in the coffee can temporarily mask some of the effects of the alcohol, making you feel less intoxicated than you actually are. This can lead to excessive drinking and potentially dangerous situations because you may not realize how drunk you truly are. It's important to drink responsibly and be aware of the combined effects of alcohol and caffeine.

Can you mix nor cos and Xanax?

only in a blender

Can you mix xanax and Ativan?

A person should not mix Ativan and Xanax. This is because the two drugs work with the body in the same way and could cause an overdose.

What happens when you mix soda and baking soda?

It bubbles!