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Yes. However, there are some cautions that should be followed.

If you are mixing pure biodiesel (B100) with traditional petroleum diesel then you should be aware of any limits placed on the final mix ratio by the engine or heating plant being used. For instance, many engine manufacturers recommend the final mix be no more than B20. Some others certify their engines for only as much as B05; others up to B30.
Know your limits! The primary reason for these limits is that the "bio" portion of biodiesel can break down rubber seals over time. You may be able to get around these limitations many times by replacing the rubber seals for synthetic. For instance, the SunTech fuel pumps used in many furnaces have synthetic replacement seals readily available. Be aware that biodiesel has a cleansing effect on most tanks. It dissolves the sludge buildup found in the bottom of some older tanks. This sudden release of sludge from the tank can clog fuel filters. Therefore, it is best to introduce biodiesel slowly to an older tank. If your goal is to reach a B20 mix then start with a B05 and slowly build up to a B20 over several fills of the tank. Be aware that the temperature of the two fuels being mixed is important! It is not advisable to add small amounts of B100 that are at 55 degrees (F) with large amonts of cold petroleum diesel that has been stored outside in winter at 10 degrees (F). This will cause the B100 to congeal almost instantly. If the temperatures of the two fuels are relatively warm 50 degrees (F) and higher they will mix quite well in whatever ratio can be tolerated by your engine or heating plant.

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Q: Can you mix diesel and Biodiesel in the same tank?
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Is it safe to mix diesel and biodiesel?

Yes it is safe to mix petroleum diesel and biodiesel. Blends of biodiesel and petroleum diesel are designated "BX." Where "B" states that the fuel mixture is a biodiesel blend and "X" indicates the percentage of biodiesel in the blend. For example, common blends of biodiesel in North America include B2 (2% biodiesel), B5(5%), B20(20%), and B100(100%). B100 is also know as "neat," or pure, biodiesel.

Would it harm a diesel engine if you combined regular diesel with bio diesel?

Factory-made biodiesel is sold as "B-such-and-such." The most common is B20. The number is the percentage of biodiesel in the mix--the rest is petroleum diesel. Answer: it works fine, go for it. As long as the bio diesel is clean and doesn't have water in it. it should be fine. Use caution with the home brew, filter it good and don't run more than 20% bio diesel below freezing without tank heaters it gells way too easy. There are several different types of bio diesel, make sure the kind you are going to use will work in in a factory fuel system or if you will need a kit installed on your vehicle to properly burn the fuel. Also, adding on to his answer, the first time you use the biodiesel you might want to change your fuel filter. The biodiesel will clean out your gas tank and may clog up your filter.

Will my 58 plate vauxhall combo 17cdti run on biodiesel?

In theory any diesel vehicle will run on biodiesel (good quality stuff that is). Well made bio is chemically very very similar to normal diesel and as such should work in the same way without causing any problems in the system. Please be warned that biodiesel is not the same as vegetable oil (bio is normally made from veg oil through a process known as transesterification). To conclude yes it should run BUT make sure it's good quality stuff; in winter run a 50/50 mix as it has a higher gel point than treated pump diesel.

What is D1 and D2 winter blend mix for biodiesel fuel?

Winter blend mix like a cocktail: Biodiesel is thought of as the 'alcohol'. X is a percentage of biodiesel, to give B(x). For example, B20 is 20% biodiesel, the other 80% is ULSD or kerosene, usually. B99 is practically straight biodiesel. Not so good for winter weather as waxes form 'clouds' in the fuel if it's greater than B50 (half biodiesel) D1 is road use approved kerosene (K1 clear). D2 is ULSD, or ultra low sulfur diesel fuel. Kerosene is a more refined D2, so it is referred to as D1.

Does soybeans make fuel?

You can try using corn oil for biodiesel. Corn oil is used for cooking and used cooking oil is used for diesel fuel. Actually, the process of cooking with oil performs the same process on the corn oil as crackling does in an oil refinery. Thus, it would be possible to take corn oil and mix it with petroleum in a refinery and create diesel fuel.

What would I have to do to my 1990's Rav 4 to have it run on Biodiesel or a Biodiesel mix?

Assuming its a diesel...then you dont have to do anything. As long as you make good quality filtered biodiesel. I've been making it for a while. Bought a 150L kit from Scintex Biofuels. Havent had any troubles running biodiesel on my GQ Patrol but i always filter down to 1uM just to make sure my fuel filters dont get clogged. Out.

Will a small amount of petrol float on top in a diesel tank?

No,the two fuels are fully miscible,ie, they will mix.

Will petrol oil harm a diesel engine?

Yes as it does not have the lubrication of diesel. Also may damage fuel filter. Don't drive. Get quotes to clean out tank, filters etc but if you want to risk it and tank is not full you can fill with diesel and then run engine to use petrol/diesel mix. Get tank emptied by mechanic for safety. Change filters soon afterwards .

Can a jeep cheeroke run on vegetable oil?

No way. It has an internal combustion gasoline engine and runs on gasoline. Some Flex Fuel vehicles can run on a mix of 85% Ethanol and 15% gasoline. But no gasoline vehicle can run on 100% vegetable oil. A diesel on the other hand can run on vegetable oil. Vegetable oil can be used as diesel fuel just as it is, without being converted to biodiesel. The downside is that straight vegetable oil (SVO) is much more viscous (thicker) than conventional diesel fuel or biodiesel, and it doesn't burn the same in the engine -- many studies have found that it can damage engines.

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methanol and diesel dont mix

Can diesel or biodiesel be used in kerosene space heaters?

Yes! Diesel, kerosene and gasoline are really the same thing except that they have different octanes. Diesel is the lowest refined gas then kerosene then your different octanes of gas. So, to make the octane the same as kerosene you simply mix the right amount of gas with diesel and voila, you have kerosene. I think u can use a lower octane than kerosene but NEVER put anything of a higher octane than kerosene! Yes! Diesel, kerosene and gasoline are really the same thing except that they have different octanes. Diesel is the lowest refined gas then kerosene then your different octanes of gas. So, to make the octane the same as kerosene you simply mix the right amount of gas with diesel and voila, you have kerosene. I think u can use a lower octane than kerosene but NEVER put anything of a higher octane than kerosene!

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Mix it with the fuel, usually just put it in the fuel tank just before filling up with fuel