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Q: Can you please draw and labeled the parts of a drum major mace?
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As Wiki Answers does not support images, please refer to the related link below.

Draw a well labeled diagram of the mackerel fish?

Nice Camlo camlooo

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You draw a plane and with a arrow pointing at the top labeled lift and a arrow pointing to the left labeled thrust and the right with another arrow pointing that way label it Drag and last the arrow pointing down with it labeled Gravity or Weight. All the arrows should be the same size.

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No. WikiAnswers does not have pictures or drawings available.

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I'm unable to draw images, but I can describe a common wave for you. A wave typically consists of a crest (the highest point of the wave), a trough (the lowest point of the wave), amplitude (the height of the wave from the resting position), and wavelength (the distance between two consecutive crests or troughs).

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how do you draw a snake?please show me how to now thanks