

Best Answer

like a poem

like a dog

like a tail

like a nose

like a pore

like a door


do the konga

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Q: Can you please give me a shape poem a dog poems?
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Related questions

How do you make shape poems?

first, draw a shape. 2nd start writing your poem around the shape. Then you have a shape poem.

How long is Poems?

I think a concrete poem has no rules at all it is just a shape

A collection of 3 poems is called?

A collection of 3 poems is called a "triptych" or a "trilogy."

What is the plural of poem?

The plural of "poem" is "poems."

Is a poem made up of just words?

Mostly, yes, but there are shape poems made in shapes of things.

What does the poem Forsythia mean?

I think it means things people do or need to do... The poems is in the shape of a forsythia bush.

Can you please give me a sentence using the word poem?

its a nice poem

How do concrete poems show a relationship between form and content?

The shape of the poem on the page directly relates to what is being said -apex trust this answer from 2020

Who is Als Poem Zone?

Al's Poem Zone is a blog where Alfred Guajardo submits his poems, And does not accept poems from no other, Just wanted to make that clear if anyone has any further questions please feel free to contact me, (Author Alfred Guajardo, Sacramento)

Is it poems or poem's?

Poems is the plural of poem. The form poem's is a possessive form (genitive) or a contraction with the verb is. Plurals are NOT formed with an apostrophe.The apostrophe marks either a genitive form or an ellision, i.e. when the 'i' of 'is' dropped and 'poem is' is contracted to 'poem's' as in "This poem's the best I've ever read".The genitive form is either singular or plural. 'The form of the poem' could be written as 'The poem's form', while 'the form of the poems' would be 'the poems' form', with the apostrophe coming after the 's' in the plural.Examples :The poem is in the book of poems. (singular and plural)The poem's form is unique. (The form of the poem is unique.)The poems' author is unknown. (referring to a group of poems)This poem's very interesting. (This poem is very interesting.)

How do you send poems to dawn young world?

Please tell me how send a poem written by my student to Dawn Young World? by

Where did shape poems originate from?

Shape poems, also known as concrete poems, originated in ancient Greece with the poet Simias of Rhodes in the 4th century BC. This poetry style places emphasis on the visual arrangement of words on a page to convey meaning or enhance the theme of the poem. Shape poems gained popularity during the modernist movement of the 20th century with poets like E.E. Cummings and Apollinaire.