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yes some women produce small amounts of colostrum even decades after pregnancy. this is not abnormal and doesn't mean anything is wrong w/you. it doesn't only occur when a period is due. there are women who have had hysterectomies and continue to produce minute amounts when the nipples are squeezed, the breasts are stimulated, etc. if the amount increases, there is a foul odor, the color of the colostrum changes to yellow/green/blood tinged, or there is pain then you would need to see a physician. otherwise it is perfectly normal.

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Q: Can you produce colostrum when your period is due?
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Who produces the best colostrum?

Women who just delivered a baby within 14 days produce colostrum. There is no "best" colostrum.

How long does a cow produce colostrum after calving?

I had my last period 1 1/2 months ago had a blood test done 2 weeks ago but my breasts are leaking colostrum. Am i pregnant? I stopped breastfeeding my second child October 2006, might it be due to this that the milk is just still working itself out

Do mares produce milk or colostrum if they have never foaled?

Hormone levels can cause mares to lactate and mares can be induced to lactate using domperidone and oxytocin. Generally, the mares do not produce colostrum.

I have colostrum coming out i am due for my period in about 5 days could i be pegnant?

You may have a non cancerous tumor of the pituitary gland. See your doctor and have your prolactin level checked. Good luck!

Which animal produces colostrum?

All mammals, including humans, sheep, and cows, produce colostrum. Colostrum is commonly known as beestings, bisnings, or first milk. It's produced by a female's mammary glands in the later part of their pregnancy, prior to birth.

Could you be pregnant if you're on the pill and used antibiotics and then got a period a week early and tested negative a couple of days after your period but are leaking colostrum?

Leaking colostrum only happens during 3rd month of pregnancy and usually nearer to the time of labour. Your most likely experiencing nipple discharge due to a infection. See your doctor about this. Antibiotics can lower the effect of the pill.

If wife is pregnant with 1 month can she produce milk for her husband?

Women only produce colostrum, not milk, until they give birth. Most women can produce colostrum it by the time they are halfway through the pregnancy -- one month in is a little early. The most important factor to consider is whether the woman is interested in doing this.

Period late 2 weeks than very short ever since colostrum from breast and full breasts but no other symptoms can it be pregnancy?

Its not colostrum coming from your breasts. Colostrum comes out after delivery and first time of breast feeding. Take a pregnancy test for $8.00 and stop wondering.

When does a cow produce clostrum?

Right after she has had her calf. Colostrum is produced until 24 to 36 hours after the calf is born.

When is the earliest can milk produce?

Colostrum is produced 3-5 months into the pregnancy. Milk is produced after the birth of your baby.

Can you produce colostrum after just falling pregnant for the second time?

yes. It can show up as early as 6 weeks of pregnancy.

Could you be pregnant if you have your period but are leaking colostrum and you've been really tired for 3 months?

I have read medical books saying that you can get pregnant while having a period. So, I think you should test to ease your mind. I too have wondered the same thing, as I am leaking colostrum and tested negative.