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That is a good simile, yes.

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Q: Can you say the simile as comfortable as a sofa?
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What is comfortable and expensive?

A good sofa.

How do you say sofa in spanish?

i say 'sillon', but people say stuff in different ways. you can say sofa because sofa is a spanish word.

How do you say sofa in American?

sofa :L

What is the simile for leather?

As tough as leather.

Why do kittens curl up on the sofa?

For the same reason humans do; it's comfortable.

Are sofa sleepers worth the extra cost?

In my opinion i believe they are they are very comfortable.

Is quickly a simile?

no a simile is when something is like something for example as snug as a bug in a rug meaning comfortable ( and a little humorous )

Can you make a sentence using the word camfortable?

After a long day of work, I sink into my cozy armchair and finally feel comfortable.

Why sofa springs need to be stiff?

So that the extension limit of the spring would not be exceeded quickly causing spring to be broken and so the sofa would not be comfortable anymore.

Can you use a chaise lounge chair as a bed?

You can sleep on it like a sofa. However it is not nearly as comfortable as a real mattress.

How can I find a sofa sleeper?

You can easily find a sofa sleeper from such sites as Amazon. However, if you want to purchase one from a brand name seller, I recommend La-Z Boy. They have a wide range of colors and sizes of sofa sleepers that are extremely comfortable for anyone who uses them.

Which type of sofa is the most comfortable?

Microfiber is a very comfortable couch and holds its shape well. The lounge is another great couch for comfort and has room enough to stretch your legs out.