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you can see bacteria under a icroscope and without it if IRS bad

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9mo ago

Yes, bacteria can be seen under a light microscope as they are larger than viruses. However, viruses are much smaller and cannot be seen with a light microscope. Specialized electron microscopes are required to visualize viruses.

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Q: Can you see bacteria with viruses under microscope?
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What is smaller bacteria fungi or viruses?

Viruses are smaller than bacteria and fungi. Viruses are the smallest of the three and cannot be seen under a standard microscope. Bacteria are larger than viruses but still much smaller than fungi. Fungi are the largest of the three microorganisms.

Who Bacteria or viruses invisible to the naked eye?

Bacteria are visible. The plaque on your teeth, or such foods as cheese is mostly bacteria, and you can see it. Though, these are millions of bacteria in a clump, and you can only see the clump, not the individual bacterium. So, if you are looking at one bacterum, only the largest bacterium can be seen with the naked human eye, since they are single-celled organisms. However, for most bacterium, you need visual enhancers, such as a microscope, to see a single specimine, because most types of bacteria are too small for the naked human eye.

A. bacteria b. viruses c. algae d. protozoa...Which type of microorganism in the pond water is colorless but still large enough to see in the bright field microscope?


What is too small to be seen with an ordinary microscope A plant cells B animal cells C bacteria D viruses?

Generally viruses are smaller than bacteria, which are themselves smaller than animal and plant cells. Therefore D is the smallest and is least likely to be visible using an ordinary microscope. See related links for an interactive scale of cells, from the macroscopic to the microscopic, down to a single carbon atom.

Can you see virus with the naked eye?

No, viruses are too small to be seen with the naked eye. They can only be seen under a microscope.

Related questions

Do you need a microscope to see viruses?

Yes, viruses are much smaller than bacteria and cannot be seen with the naked eye. They require a microscope, such as an electron microscope, to be visualized.

Types of microorganisms can be seen in a light microscope?

Common types of microorganisms that can be seen under a light microscope include bacteria, yeast, algae, and protozoa. These microorganisms are relatively larger and can be observed with a brightfield microscope at higher magnifications. Viruses, which are much smaller, typically require an electron microscope for visualization.

How does the electron microscope permit scientists to see viruses?

Viruses are very small and can be considered ultramicroscopic. We were not able to see them with the best light microscopes as we could bacteria (prokaryotes). We have to use an electron microscope to see them as they are that small. This was not available until recently.

Why is an electron microscope is used to see viruses?

An electron microscope is used to see viruses because viruses are much smaller than bacteria and cannot be seen with a light microscope. Electron microscopes use a beam of electrons to create a high-resolution image, allowing researchers to visualize viruses at the nanometer scale. This level of magnification is necessary to study the detailed structure and characteristics of viruses.

Is viruses are smaller than bacteria?

yeah, viruses are smaller then bacteria . both of these are small and cannot be spotted by the naked eye. bacteria - they are single-celled organisms that can replicate themselves (duplicate themselves) viruses - in contrast, contain a piece of genetic material that is encapsulated by a protein coat (protected by a protein coat).

Which kind of microscope is needed to view virus and Why?

An electron microscope is needed to view viruses because viruses are much smaller than bacteria and cannot be seen with a light microscope. Electron microscopes use a beam of electrons to magnify the image, allowing for higher resolution and the ability to see smaller structures such as viruses.

What is the differences between a compound and electron microscope?

The compound microscope is a light microscope that uses light to "see" microbes. Viruses are too small.The electron microscope uses electrons to "see" microbes or viruses.

What is smaller bacteria fungi or viruses?

Viruses are smaller than bacteria and fungi. Viruses are the smallest of the three and cannot be seen under a standard microscope. Bacteria are larger than viruses but still much smaller than fungi. Fungi are the largest of the three microorganisms.

When were viruses first seen under a n electron microscope?

Viruses were first seen under an electron microscope in the 1930s. The electron microscope's high magnification and resolution allowed scientists to visualize viruses, which were too small to be seen with a light microscope.

Who Bacteria or viruses invisible to the naked eye?

Bacteria are visible. The plaque on your teeth, or such foods as cheese is mostly bacteria, and you can see it. Though, these are millions of bacteria in a clump, and you can only see the clump, not the individual bacterium. So, if you are looking at one bacterum, only the largest bacterium can be seen with the naked human eye, since they are single-celled organisms. However, for most bacterium, you need visual enhancers, such as a microscope, to see a single specimine, because most types of bacteria are too small for the naked human eye.

Why must an election microscope be used to see a viruses?

Viruses are extremely small, typically ranging from 20 to 400 nanometers in size, which is much smaller than what the human eye can see. In order to visualize viruses, an electron microscope is necessary because it uses a beam of electrons to create an image with much higher resolution than a light microscope.

What can you see a bacteria with?

im assuming you mean idividual cells, not a bacterial colny, as that's often visable with the naked eye. depending on what you want to see, you can stain the bacteria with specific dyes and then veiw them under a light microscope. for example, DAPI is often used if you wish to visualise the DNA of the cells.