

Can you send a cheque for eBay?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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8y ago

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No you cant do that. They accept only direct payments.

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Q: Can you send a cheque for eBay?
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Can you send a photocopied cheque in payment?

No, the cheque needs to be original.

Is it correct to say send us with a cheque?

Not unless you want stamps sticking on your foreheads. But what you should have said is difficult to assess because I don't know what you want to say: Send us a cheque send a cheque with our letter? We are sending a cheque?

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In the UK can you put a cheque in your account if it is in US dollars?

yes, they must specify "USD" on the cheque they write, or money order they send.

Where do i make payments for us bank credit cards?

directly at the bank from where the cards were issued, or send them ( the bank) a cheque and make sure the acct number is on the cheque

Why do you have to send 20 to receive a 500000 cheque?

You don't. It sounds like a scam. If you do send the 20, you'll never see the check. Forget it.

What does check by post mean?

A banking cheque for payment send by postal services. Means: " I forgot or could send money but I will make and effort to now."

What does check posted mean?

A banking cheque for payment send by postal services. Means: " I forgot or could send money but I will make and effort to now."

I want to send money to person but d'ont have banke detail?

west union,only must have their full details,haaaaaa Send a cheque by registered post.

What does mandano in spanish mean in english?

It means "send to you". example: Voy a mandarte un cheque. I am going to send you a check.

Can I photocopy one cheque and use the photocopies to send to any number of companies?

No. That's called Check Fraud.

How do you get your boyfriend to text you?

Send him the message: There's someone called guy here with a lottery cheque who wants to talk to you. Please text me.