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Yes.. You can snort Trazodone.

I am perscribed Traz 100mg for the treatment of insomnia. I've been on here all day looking at what people have to say about this medicine, and have been fairly disappointed most of the time. People like to argue that it's an antidepressant and these sorts of meds have no recreational value. I agree with the fact that antidepressants in the MAOI and SSRI categories are no fun, but Trazodone falls nowhere near Prozac and Zoloft. Trazodone was FIRST perscribed as an antidepressant and has since been used for the treatment of anxiety/panic disorder and insomnia. Doctors liked to use Trazodone as an antidepressant because it's not lethal when OD'd, so suicidal patients would not be very successful in trying to off themselves by taking the whole bottle.

It really upsets me, though, that people say that Traz has no recreational value because (one) I've heard of Traz 10's (100mg) going for 10 bucks apiece on the street and (two) it really can mess you up! I snort at least one 10 a day.. If you crush up one 100mg tablet you should get four bulky lines. If you're not used to snorting pills, you better prepare yourself. It burns like hell and the drip is disgusting (well, you get past those sorts of things after you've done them for a while.). Whenever I snort a 10 it gives me an incredibly euphoric high that lasts for several hours. Of course, I usually take Xanax at the same time... But I usually have a great time with just doing a Traz. It's cheap, easy to get ahold of, easy to break down, and has very few side effects. The only negative experience I've had that resulted from snorting Traz was when my nose started bleeding after putting about 10 10's up my nose over two days...

So yes, you can snort Trazodone. Try it sometime. If you're familiar with the high brought on by Benzo's, you'll like this one.

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14y ago
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Lvl 1
4y ago
Right on, just did a trazodone line. 
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Lvl 1
4y ago
Just swallowed 600mg and snorted 100mg and happy pappy so far!
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Kelly Gamberel

Lvl 1
2y ago
Very helpful. Thank you!

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