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No, you can't soften rock. If you have ever done soldering before, you will see that the pewter just turns into a liquid, it doesn't turn squishy or soft.

i think you can johann, you can heat it up to make it mold easily

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3mo ago

No, rocks are solid materials that cannot be softened. They are formed through geological processes and typically have a high resistance to change.

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Q: Can you soften rock
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What causes rock to soften and weaken?


What type of plastic does not become soft when heated?

None- ALL plastics soften on heating. Even stone and rock (think volcano) will soften on heating.

What happens to rock when it is exposed to very high temperature?

Rock exposed to very high temperature and pressure will soften or melt.

How do you soften rock salt?

Rock salt is a mineral composed of crystallized sodium chloride, and it is naturally hard and unchangeable at room temperature. To soften rock salt, you can crush it using a mortar and pestle or a hammer to break it into smaller granules. You can also dissolve it in water to create a brine solution, which can be useful for culinary or other applications.

What makes rocks soften and weaken?

Rocks can soften and weaken due to high temperatures and pressure, which cause minerals within the rock to deform and rearrange. Chemical weathering can also weaken rocks by breaking down minerals and altering rock composition. Additionally, the presence of water can promote the growth of microorganisms that contribute to rock weakening.

What is the opposite of soften?

The opposite of soften is - harden

Is soften a noun?

No, the word soften is a verb (soften, softens, softening, softened); to make something soft. Noun forms for the verb to soften are softener, an agent used to soften; and the gerund softening, the act of making soft.

What is a hardened layer in a volcano?

As lava cools, it hardens and forms a thick layer of rock. These rocks are known as igneous rocks. An example of an igneous rock is pumice, which is used in spa treatments to soften feet.

What is the opposite of harden?

The opposite of harden is soften.

What is the past tense of soften?

The past tense of soften is softened.

What soften is used for?

Mainly to prevent wrinkling and soften clothes

Where can you buy simplysmart lotion soften?

simplySmart lotion soften