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The cold sore virus is usually localized, once it breaks out some where it doesn't usually spread to other places. You would have to touch the sore and with in seconds touch another area of your mouth in order to spread it.

If you have to touch a cold sore wash your hands or refrain from touching other parts of your body like your eyes or genitals for a while.

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Q: Can you spread a cold sore when its above your lip and not touching it?
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Related questions

Can you pop your cold sore?

Do not pop the cold sore; it can cause it to spread.

Is a cold sore on your lip only contagious when it weeping?

No, A cold sore is contagious from the being of its life to the end of its life on your lip. It can be spread by sharing a bottle or a glass, kissing on the lips or even touching the col sore and then touching someone or somewhere else. I highly recommend that you go to your local pharmacy and ask for something that you can put on to it.

How does the cold sore virus get transferred?

The cold sore virus gets transferred by direct contact (touching) the infected area.

If you have a cold sore and you lick your lips and develop tiny red bumps on your tongue did you just spread the HSV1 to your tongue?

yes if you have an cold sore in your lips the HSV1 will spread.Because the HSV1 virus spread the cold sore so keep avoiding kiss to the kids.

Should you pop your fever blister?

Popping a cold sore is not a good idea .The herpes virus could be in the fluid that comes out.The areas the fluids splash on could have a cold sore there.Dont pop it unless you have to.If you want it to go away,abreva is a good product.

Can you spread oral herpes if you don't have a cold sore?

Unfortunately, even if there are no visible sores there is still a small chance that you can get herpes. The odds are low but you should get checked out.

Is the common cold fatal?

The common cold in contagious. It can be spread by someone couging into their hands and touching another person or by someone who is sick using a pillow and the other person using the same pillow. Their are many different ways that the common cold can be spread but in one word to answer your question: yes.

Can you get cold sores from a girl who has one by cunnilinigus?

Cold sores are spread by skin-to-skin contact with an infected person, at the location where the virus is active, during a time when they are shedding virus. If a girl has a cold sore, and you kiss her genital area (where no sore is) but not her mouth (where the sore is), you are not likely to get infected.

In order to get a cold sore does someone have to come in direct contact with an active sore?

no it can be spread if you eat or drink the same consumables as the cold sore person or if they touch their face and then touch you or a door knob and then you touch the door knob and then touch your face

Can cold sores kill rabbits?

cold sores can kill your pet rabbit but if you take care of the sore and clean the sore but if you don't take of the sore the bacteria will speard and the sore will close but then the bacteria will spread and then will kill your pet rabbit take care of your pet and stop animal cruelty

How do you take off a cold sore?

To treat cold sores at home, it is important to begin treatments at the first sign of a cold sore. You may not be able to prevent them, but early treatment can drastically reduce the severity of a cold sore. Lysine supplements can help to reduce cold sores. Avoid touching them, sharing cups or utensils, or kissing another person, to avoid spreading the virus. Often, cold sores appear with other illnesses, so treat those, too.

How is the cold virus transmitted?

Cold sores are often passed by being kissed or kissing some one that as a cold sore. They are commonly passed that way during child hood, they are rarely passed to the mouth during sex. There is also a small chance of getting a cold sore if you share utesils or drinks with some one that has a cold sore.