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Yes I think you could have a full periond and be pregnant and not skip any months

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11y ago

Some women do experience some bleeding or spotting during pregnancy.

If that happens, it is best to see your doctor so s/he can tell if it is dangerous or not.

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Q: Can you still have a full period when pregnant?
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If you still get your period but no cramps can you be pregnant?

No, you cannot have periods after you are pregnant. You can have minor vaginal bleeding but it is not a full period flow.

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Typically if you get your period you are not pregnant.

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If you are pregnant you will not have your period

Is it normal to have your full period when pregnant?

No it is not normal to have your period while pregnant. I have heard of some small spotting while pregnant but if you have your full period while you think you are pregnant, you thought wrong. You would not be pregnant.

How can you still can pregnant and get your period?

It is rare, but you can be pregnant and still get your period.

Can you still get pregnant if you on your period?

no. if you happened to be pregnant and got your period its misscariage. there's no way you can have your period while pregnant .

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You could have gotten pregnant on your period

When on jasmin can you be pregnant and still get your period?

you can still have your period during pregnancy but it does not usually seem to be normal when you are pregnant mosly irregular

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Yes,you can still get pregnant on your period,although the chances may be lower than if you were

Can you be pregnant if you still had a period?


Your last period date was 15 and this month it has started 25 may could you still be pregnant?

No. If you still have you period, you cant be pregnant.