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Sudafed and paracetamol

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Q: Can you take Sudafed and codeine and paracetamol together?
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Yes you can take both together. Paracetamol kills the pain and the penicillin kills the infection.

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Paracetamol and codeine and ibuprofen together?

Yes, this combination is fine to take together, just make sure you stick to the recommended doses, and stay under the daily maximum dosage.

Can you take ibuprofen codine and paracetamol together?

You need to split the ibuprofen and the paracetamol by about 3 hours. These are both pain medicines - you don't want to take a bunch of pain medicines together. It is quite save, however, to take one, wait 3 hours, then switch and take the other. You can keep switching back and forth in this way until you feel better.The codeine I would be more careful with - it is OK to take this with one or the other of the other two drugs, but I would not take codeine any closer than every 4 hours.

Can you take parecetamol codeine and ibuprofen together with alcohol?

In relation to your question; no you can't have alcohol with codeine/ ibuprofen or paracetamol; there should be instructions as to what substances you are allowed to have along with medication but I would refrain from mixing drugs together or drinking until you have finished your course of medication.

Can you take Zyrtec with panadeine?

Both Panadeine and Sudafed contain paracetamol, so if you took a full dose of each together you would be exceeding the recommended paracetamol dose. I suppose if you really wanted the effects of both pills you could take a half dose (one tablet) of each.

Can you take codeine phosphate and paracetamol?

Yes, you can take as much as you like up to about 300mg, after that a lot of factors come into play about jow many mg/kg of codeine will be toxic - health, tolerance, etc, Many over the counter medications aroud the world contain 500mg paracetamol / 12mg codeine and are quite safe.

Can you take Sudafed with grapefruit?

Yes. You can take them together.

Can you take paracetamol with codeine phosphate?

Yes, that's all co-codamol is. I take prescribed co-codamol 30-500 per tablet. 30 codeine and 500 paracetamol. Never take more than 8 paracetamol a day and always leave it for 12hrs before you start your next eight. Be careful with the codeine as it is very addictive and too much will give you terrible constipation. Hope that helps

Can you take Sudafed an antihistamine with a decongestant with a cough syrup with codeine and quifenesin in it?

most cough syrups come with an antihistamine - you may not want to take sudafed with another antihistamine. quifenesin is an expectorant. check with your dr.

Can you take Sudafed and zicam together?

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