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my son has end stage kidney failure and he was prescribed methadone and baclofen. after taking 4 doses of baclofen he stated having seizures and muscle spacicisity. He is still in the hospital with possible brain damage. There is another case in New York state where a man sued and won $800,000.00 from a bad reaction to the same thing of off label use. Be careful.

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10y ago

i take about 30 mgs of bac with my 110 mgs of methadone about every morning;)and aside from a nice body buzz,i get no adverse effects from it, i had a stroke 4 months ago so my left arm and leg are paralysed and get very spastic, it helps that too.

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Q: Can you mix suboxone with baclofen?
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Can suboxone get in your system by touching it?

No, suboxone cannot get into your system by touching it. This drug has to mix with your saliva or it won't be effective. You place it under your tongue for about 5 to 10 minutes until it dissolves.

Can you mix suboxone with Dilaudid?

You can try to, but you're wasting the dilaudid. Suboxone covers about 98% of the mu and delta opiate receptors, which doesn't leave much room for other substances.

Can you mix suboxone and aspirin?

Yes, you can use Aspirin when you are taking Suboxone.

Is Baclofen a narcotic?

No. Baclofen is a muscle relaxer and an anti-spastic agent.