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If is completely fine to take the drugs Clonidine and Vyvanse. Clonidine will help you with your sleeping problems.

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Q: Can you take clonidine with Vyvanse?
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Can you take Vyvanse and clonidine together?

You can take them together, but both medications can have an additive effect on each other; meaning that you could get really drowsy when you take both of them.

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Can you take Vyvanse and seroquel together?

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Can you drink while taking clonidine?

Evidently if you drink alcohol it inhibits the effects of clonidine, meaning it would be the same thing as if you did not take your clonidine pill. If you have been taking clonidine for a long time then you could have higher blood pressure etc.

Is clonidine and clonidine hcl the same?

Yes, clonidine and clonidine HCl refer to the same medication. Clonidine HCl stands for clonidine hydrochloride, which is the chemical form of clonidine commonly used in pharmaceuticals.

Can you drink alcohol while taking clonidine?

Evidently if you drink alcohol it inhibits the effects of clonidine, meaning it would be the same thing as if you did not take your clonidine pill. If you have been taking clonidine for a long time then you could have higher blood pressure etc.

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When to take levothyroxine and Vyvanse?

Take the levothyroxine 45 mins before you take your dose of vyvanse , as I also take these meds , specifically 180 mcg levothyroxine 100 mg vyvanse, (the 100 mg vyvanse is not a commonly prescribed dose, granted how 70 mg is the "fda recomended" max , that aside you can take them both together, as it wouldn't directly make any efect on either drug.

Can you take Vyvanse and Wellbutrin and lexipro?

there is a caution advised as comd between vyvanse and wellbutrin incr. risk of seizures

Mixing Vyvanse and Zoloft?

Can Cause Serotonin disease. I am on zoloft and take vyvanse every once in a while. The two together increase the symptons felt when taking a vyvanse. Its pretty sweet

Can child with heart murmur take Vyvanse?

Bien fack no

Vyvanse 70mg in AMk and 20mg adderall in afternoon is this OK?

That is the exact dosage of adderall and vyvanse that I take per my doc and it is working well for me